Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Household Cleaning With Ammonia

    Remove Soap Scum and Grease

    • 1). Create a solution with 1 tbsp. ammonia and 1 gallon hot water.

    • 2). Saturate a sponge in the solution.

    • 3). Scrub porcelain sinks and tubs with the sponge. Continue scrubbing until all soap scum or grease is removed.

    • 4). Rinse the sink or tub thoroughly with cool water.

    Clean White Tennis Shoes

    • 1). Combine equal parts ammonia and water in a container.

    • 2). Dip a soft cloth into the mixture.

    • 3). Rub the white shoes with the cloth until all dirt and stains are gone.

    • 4). Rinse the shoes with a clean, damp cloth.

    Clean Mildew from Bathroom Tiles

    • 1). Fill a 5-gallon bucket with 1 gallon of warm water.

    • 2). Add ¼ cup of ammonia to the water.

    • 3). Saturate a sponge in the ammonia-water mixture. Wring out the excess liquid.

    • 4). Wipe the bathroom tiles down with the sponge. Continue wiping and re-saturating the sponge until the tiles are thoroughly cleaned. Allow the tiles to air dry.

    Remove Stains from Carpets and Upholstery

    • 1). Combine ½ gallon of warm water with 1 cup of ammonia.

    • 2). Saturate a cloth in the mixture. Wring out the excess liquid.

    • 3). Blot the stains with the saturated cloth.

    • 4). Continue blotting the stain and resaturating the cloth until the stain is gone.

    • 5). Allow the area to air dry.

    Clean Windows

    • 1). Pour 3 cups of cool water into a bucket.

    • 2). Add 1 cup of ammonia to the water.

    • 3). Saturate a soft cloth in the mixture and wring out the excess liquid.

    • 4). Wipe the dirty windows with the cloth. Start on a corner and work your way toward the opposite corner.

    • 5). Rinse the dingy cloth in the mixture and continue wiping the window until it is clean and streak-free.

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