Hands Up - Who Hates Being Broke?
I hated the fact that I went to work for 8 hours a day 5 days a week and I still didn't always have enough money to pay all the bills I had.
In the normal week to week things I was fine but there always seemed to be something new coming up that would just catch me unawares and wreck me financially.
I would do overtime, working Saturday and Sunday as well sometimes, but of course I work one weekend but the money doesn't turn up for a month or so and then there have been all sorts of taxes and pension payments removed so I always seemed to end up with much less than I needed.
I quickly realized that I had to find some ways of making real cash, not just working one day and getting paid a month later for doing the same thing that I did all week.
I realized that money wasn't just going to come to me so I had to go out and find it.
At first I thought it would be near impossible, I mean what can you do that is legal and gets paid in cash.
Well it turns out there are quite a few things you can do that people will pay you in cash for and once they see you are willing to work it seemed like someone was always finding something new for me to do.
If you are in need of some extra cash in a hurry then of course you can go down the usual path of taking some stuff you own and pawning it, selling it on eBay, or doing a yard sale or a car boot sale (if you are in the UK).
These are tried and tested ways of getting money quickly but in today's economy there are so many people having to get rid of their electronics to get some quick cash that the amount you get is negligible.
The other problem with pawning or selling your items is that you are now without that item, which if it is something that you never used anyway doesn't really matter I suppose but you may find that you have to pawn or sell a lot of items to get the money together you need.
Then you have the big question, what do you do when you need quick cash again? Pawning or selling your items is a legitimate way to get cash together but it isn't a ongoing solution for your financial needs.
I found that the best ways to get quick cash together included doing jobs that people kept putting off even though they wanted them done, or doing something for them that they were incapable of doing themselves.
In the normal week to week things I was fine but there always seemed to be something new coming up that would just catch me unawares and wreck me financially.
I would do overtime, working Saturday and Sunday as well sometimes, but of course I work one weekend but the money doesn't turn up for a month or so and then there have been all sorts of taxes and pension payments removed so I always seemed to end up with much less than I needed.
I quickly realized that I had to find some ways of making real cash, not just working one day and getting paid a month later for doing the same thing that I did all week.
I realized that money wasn't just going to come to me so I had to go out and find it.
At first I thought it would be near impossible, I mean what can you do that is legal and gets paid in cash.
Well it turns out there are quite a few things you can do that people will pay you in cash for and once they see you are willing to work it seemed like someone was always finding something new for me to do.
If you are in need of some extra cash in a hurry then of course you can go down the usual path of taking some stuff you own and pawning it, selling it on eBay, or doing a yard sale or a car boot sale (if you are in the UK).
These are tried and tested ways of getting money quickly but in today's economy there are so many people having to get rid of their electronics to get some quick cash that the amount you get is negligible.
The other problem with pawning or selling your items is that you are now without that item, which if it is something that you never used anyway doesn't really matter I suppose but you may find that you have to pawn or sell a lot of items to get the money together you need.
Then you have the big question, what do you do when you need quick cash again? Pawning or selling your items is a legitimate way to get cash together but it isn't a ongoing solution for your financial needs.
I found that the best ways to get quick cash together included doing jobs that people kept putting off even though they wanted them done, or doing something for them that they were incapable of doing themselves.