Technology Software

How to Install a Smiley in VBulletin

    • 1). Click "Upload Smilie" in the "Smilies" box in the administrator control panel. There is where you upload the smilie file to your vBulletin server.

    • 2). Click the "Browse" button next to the "Filename" field to look for a smilie file stored on your computer. Select the file and click "OK." The filename appears in the text field.

    • 3). Type the information in the text fields. Type the title of your smiley that you are uploading in the "Title" field. Type the text that the smilie replaces. For example, the ":)" text sign becomes the smilie icon. Type the file path for the smilie icon, in the Smilie text Path field.

    • 4). Choose a category for your smilie in the drop down menu. Type the number of the order you want your smilie to be displayed. This field is optional.

    • 5). Click the "Upload" button. You smilie is uploaded to the vBulletin server for use by forum members.

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