Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis Cures - Top 6 Ways to Alleviate Arthritis Pain

Not all arthritic pain is the same and depending on the stage of the disease it is more often treatable, so getting a correct diagnosis is crucial.
Catching it early on: To do this you will need to see your local general practitioner or doctor who will then refer you onto a specialist.
Usually during your first visit to see your GP or medical practitioner, they will see if there's a reduction in movement or swelling in the joint.
Blood tests and x-rays will most likely also be conducted on the particular area of concern, as misdiagnosis can result in damage to the heart, scars on the lung and the potential to develop rheumatoid arthritis, so getting a second or third opinion isn't unusual with this illness.
If detected early, its spread can be delayed, however early arthritic symptoms may be a mix of weight loss, fatigue, fever or just a general ache in the joint, so you may feel in no way threatened by it, which is why having a blood test should resolve this.
Dealing with Arthritic Pain 1.
Biologically Injected Medication:
As stated, pain varies from person to person.
To cut to the chase though, if it's rheumatoid arthritis then the latest and most innovative treatment is to have a biological medication injection into where the disease is apparent.
As of 2012, this is the latest technique which is now more popular and successful than anti-inflammatory steroids of the last decade.
The jury is still out on what the long-term side-effects these steroids have or will have had on the body, but latest biological medications have made remission a more achievable goal.
Physical Therapy:
Treatment for arthritis today is much more aggressive than it was ten years ago.
This is because both biological and non-biological techniques are used to clamp down fast on the spread of the disease to stop advanced joint deformity.
Therefore, natural anti-inflammatory supplements and diets should always accompany this treatment along with physical therapy.
This not only makes the pain less burdening but it helps the remission process.
Alternatively known as temperature therapy, thermotherapy treats the joint pain through placing hot or cold packs on the inflamed area.
Cold packs are generally used to numb pain which has just flared up, while hot pack treatments help stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscle.
Both dry and wet heat applications are used, where heating pads and lamps are used as a dry therapy and heated wash clothes, towels and baths for moist treatment.
Massage Therapy:
You can familiarize yourself with basic massage techniques by searching online and then carry this out in the privacy of your own home as massaging the muscles surrounding the joint can provide immediate relief.
As a rule of thumb when it comes to massaging arthritic pain, do not massage painfully swollen areas, stop when you start to feel pain and always use some oil or lotion.
Sleep, relaxation, meditation, hypnosis and guided imagery:
The average person should have at least 7 to 9 hours sleep a day although most of us never quite manage that.
If you're suffering from arthritis pain however sleep can really make a big difference as one, the inflammation will subside as the body relaxes and two, pressure on the joints is greatly reduced.
With sleep comes relaxation and if you find a quick nap during the day is having an impact on sleeping in the evening, then you can try various relaxation therapy's which help calm the mind and give the individual an element of control over how the body behaves.
Various forms of meditation which may take some time to get to grips with, can have not just a profound effect at how you control the pain but a fundamentally positive impact on your life.
One of what's thought to be the earliest and easiest forms of meditation is just simply sitting down opposite a friend and starring into each other's eyes.
This may sound slightly far out and alien to your everyday behavior, but by doing this for periods of twenty plus minutes at a time, this staring technique can open up all manner of emotions, where you may find yourself suddenly breaking down in tears or crying with laughter while at the same time helping relieve the pain.
Hypnosis is now becoming more popular as like with meditation, it helps relax your anxieties and thought patterns, leaving you soothed and freer from the grips of painful joints.
Finally guided imagery is quite a new concept which involves utilizing peaceful imagery, focusing the mind and comforting the soul much like many religions do.
Non-prescription medications:
Osteopaths and people that work with other bone crippling diseases will always speak of diet as being central to how you deal with arthritis and how debilitating it will get.
Fish protein and omega 3 acids are well-known for helping to regain fluidity to drying out joints, along with other ingredients like Tongkat Ali which helps strengthen bones and muscles thus providingmore support to the joints.
The Reishi mushroom and Capsaicun are also natural inflammatory compounds plus they help block pain signals being transmitted from the joint to the brain thus reducing your overall suffering.

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