Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Lazy Children Do Not Exist

The end of the school year approaches.
Everyone motivation is at zero.
We are waiting for the summer holidays and looking forward to be free from school soon.
Quite normal, except that there is still a month to be spent on the benches of the school and a lot of exams to pass to succeed.
What to do to motivate our young people so that they continue to make efforts to study and perform well in class? The solution fell from the the sky the other day when my boy, A loyal subscriber to the school after class retention, brought back home a particularly well written sheet on which he had to repeat many times a certain phrase, but mostly full of answered to most of my questions.
Wow! Was my exclamation with a tone full of admiration, what a beautiful calligraphy! The letters were following each other with grace and smoothness from line to line.
A veritable symphony for the eye, a painstaking task usually accomplished by monks, perfectly chiseled.
His motivation? Make time pass quickly by focusing on his writing.
If my boy put the same effort to remember things he has to do and bring to class, I would never have to go pick him up after school anymore.
But whatever.
It's like that.
I guess being retained at school after school hours does not make him suffer so much after all.
Better than the repeated note I always found strange, not to say completely an archaic way of trying to change the behavior of students who do not conform to all their school rules.
Is it really effective to retain a student after classes to motivate him and to change his inappropriate behavior? That probably depends on each child and what they make him do during his retention time.
To give you an example, last year; my son had to write a reflection in an attempt to ameliorate his tendency to forget his school gear in class.
The question that he had to answer was as follows: "what motivated me to forget my school gears?" Don't you think that this is brilliant? What is the answer to that? "I thought that if I forgot my gear in class I would enrage my professor, Then I will have difficulties to follow the course and will have earn my right for a class retention...
" As if a student voluntarily forgot his pencils and textbooks...
My son evidently continued to forget his school material and continued getting multiple school retentions during the remaining years.
At the new school he is frequenting this year, the after class school retentions are also part of the methods employed by professors to overcome students problematic behaviors.
If I still find this method a bit old-fashioned, I must admit that for the first time in years, at least the reflection he had to write was the bearer of good sense.
In the text he was copying, Peter Bovo, psychotherapist, says that students are not lazy.
"The absence of adequate motivations explains many of the failures of our youth.
They have the potential to succeed, but are demotivated", writes the author.
The key, when we are confronted with a child or an adolescent who refuses to change a problematic behavior, would be to give him interesting projects that will motivates him sufficiently to cause him to modify his behavior toward the desired direction.
When an action is advantageous, we act.
When a child does not study enough for example, the author suggests to explain that we do not believe that he is lazy, but rather that he does not seem to see any benefits in studying.
Our child will feel better understood, will stop defending himself and will be more opened to discussions.
To motivate our school children, he suggests, among other things, to remind them about two big future life benefits why they should continue their studies and work hard to get good school results, here they are: 1.
To unlock the possibility of a satisfactory and rewarding job for oneself.
The opportunity to get a paying job which will give him more leisure time to do what he enjoys the most.
(if you work at 7 per hour, it will take ten hours to do the work of those who works at $ 70 per hour).
This method is probably applicable to all types of behaviors, including chronic forgetfulness like in my son case, find the benefits that could motivate my forgetful son behavior to be modified.
Written reflections to be answered instead of the usual writing of the same sentence over and over To copy hundred times "I will stop trowing rocks" never gives results.
This disciplinary method continues to exist all the same in several schools.
However, there are now new ways of doing things, better adapted to the reality of today.
Education resource teacher and technologist Lucie Rivest has developed a series of 30 reflections for students with undisciplined behavior.
It addresses topics such as non-compliance with standard way of dressing, fighting in the school courtyard, smoking, consuming alcohol, frequent forgetfulness, etc..
This approach allows the student to reflect upon the consequences of his behavior and this could encourage a change in attitude.
For example, a young man who just fought, must answer in writing to the following questions: 1.
Explain what happened? 2.
What pushed you to behave that way? 3.
What could you have said or done to avoid that fight? 4.
What would happen to the school if all students were behaving like you? 5.
Write down a good idea to help you so that you will never repeat that behavior.
How will you repair your gesture?

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