Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Home Security-The Most Effective Home Burglary Deterrents

Several years ago there was an interview with a very successful home burglar who had in a period of six years committed over 2,000 home burglaries without getting caught.
What finally did him in is one of his co-conspirators ratted him out so he never did actually get caught.
As part of a plea bargain to keep him out of jail, he revealed all of his secrets to authorities so that they could pass them on to homeowners to improve their home security and help them prevent burglary of their possessions.
In this article we will take a look at the gist of what he revealed in the hopes of improving your home security.
According to this home burglary professional, when he went out looking for potential targets to do his dirty work he looked for these deterrents in a home.
If he saw them, he would pick another target.
That's one of the reasons why he never got caught.
Here are the top deterrents that he told authorities would stop him from committing burglary.
The number one burglary deterrent was any sign of a dog on the property.
Burglars do not like homes that have dogs in them.
Not only do they bark but they bite: two good reasons to avoid a home with a dog.
Okay, so you don't like dogs! We can understand that.
Consider getting a motion activated alarm that makes a sound of a barking dog when the protected area is violated.
It is much cheaper than actually having a dog and a lot less trouble but just as effective.
Signs and decals that warn of a home security system or "beware of dog" warnings are very effective according to our burglar.
If he saw a sign with a home security company logo or a sign that warned of a vicious guard dog he would stay away.
If he saw home security cameras, he would avoid them at all costs.
One reason why he never got caught.
Many people can't afford home security cameras to cover their whole home.
Sometimes three or four are needed and that can be expensive.
That's where fake security cameras come in.
They are so realistic looking no one can actually tell the difference between that and the real thing.
But the homeowner can because they are a fraction of the cost of a real security camera.
Most of them have blinking red lights and some even pan right and left when there's motion detected.
Those were the top burglary deterrents listed by our professional burglar.
Others included alarms motion sensor lights, fake TV lights and curtains-yes curtains.
If the bad guy can't see what you have, it lessens his interest in your home.
These home burglary deterrents of fake security cameras and motion activated alarms are two of the best ways to prevent burglary and improve your home security.

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