Health & Medical Men's Health

Maxtender Review - How Does It Work?

Maxtender is a male enhancement method to increase the size of the penis in both length and girth.
The most common method that men know of to increase their size is male enhancement pills, but this product is very different.
Instead of using pills, this is an actual device that works to increase your size.
Basically, this product works with you physically as an exercise rather than chemically like penis enlargement pills are supposed to work.
Another unique thing about this product is that you wear it for extended periods of time, so it is not a quick fix like penis pumps, or vacuum therapy, are.
The Maxtender is completely safe if the instructions that come with it are followed correctly.
What you do is insert your penis into a cylinder, sort of like a penis pump, but no pumping is involved.
What is used is rubber tubing that is used to increase and decrease tension to a certain comfort ability level.
You do not want to over do the tension adjustment because potential injury can occur.
This product is best used with a degree of patience from the consumer.
The exact method of what the Maxtender uses is called traction.
Realistically this product can be viewed as exercising your penis, making it about as natural as can be.
One of the main benefits that consumers like about products like this is that you only have to purchase it once.
Usually with male enhancement pills you have to continue to buy it month after month, which is not the case with this product.
Another great thing is that overall this form of male enhancement is very inexpensive to buy.
These devices are usually even cheaper than vacuum therapy devices on the market.
Some men have found it somewhat difficult to actually acquire this product, but with a basic search online, you can see that many outlets sell this device.
Tractional methods of increasing the size of men's penises aren't a new idea and various forms of it have been around for quite some time.
What makes this product stand out is the affordability, and the new design Maxtender has developed.
At first, men might find this product a bit uncomfortable, but that is to be expected with putting something on your penis and wearing it around daily.
The main website says that after a day or two you will break the product in, and find that you can hardly notice it from day to day.

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