Chs: Hair Replacement And Much More
CHS: A Multi-therapeutic Approach Beyond Simple Hair Replacement
Corrective Hair Solutions goes far beyond hair replacement; it is a completely personalized hair loss treatment approach, depending on your personal hair loss situation.
When Carol, a 33-year-old flight attendant from Dallas, noticed her part thinning for the first time, it didn't really bother her. But three months later it was really getting noticeable, and she was cleaning up more and more hair from the shower drain every day. As it turned out, after a visit to the doctor, a steroid medication she was taking responsible for the hair thinning. Her doctor also asked her about her mother's and grandmother's hair. And then she remembered they had had the same problem, but it had happened when they were a lot older. The doctor determined that her medication had kick-started the process of female pattern baldness, and he immediately switched her medications. Carol didn't want to look this old and realized if she wanted to hold on to her hair and fix that gaping part line, she was going to have to do something about it.
Steve, a 37-year-old construction manager from Atlanta, had a completely different problem. Steve had alopecia areata for over a decade and had the same three patches of missing hair the whole time. But now, as he was getting older, he started to notice his hair thinning and receding around the hairline and saw a new bald spot on top, which his hair loss treatment specialist said was just natural male pattern baldness finally showing itself. He was already using Rogaine on top, but this new spot added to the other patches made Steve feel as if he was going to have to change up his hair loss treatment plan if he wanted a more natural-looking head of hair. The patches always had him feeling self-conscious; maybe now it was time to do something more about it.
Corrective Hair Solutions corrects, replaces and retains hair naturally and personally
"Hair loss is so personal," explains Dennis Hammond, owner of South Coast Hair Options in New Bedford, Mass., "and that's how we approach each client's hair loss treatment plan when they call and ask about Corrective Hair Solutions. When you first call for help with your hair loss, you don't know what's happening with your hair and you may feel overwhelmed and anxious. We want to get as much information as we can about your hair loss so that we can give you back as much information as there is available about your options for hair loss treatment. We want to hear about your lifestyle, diet and medications too. We want our clients to visit a doctor to confirm the diagnosis."
Hair loss can come in so many different forms, in so many different patterns, from so many different causes that no one hair loss treatment will work for everyone, explains Hammond. With new research into hair loss, new medications and new technology in creating nonsurgical hair replacement systems, there are a number of different options, so that every person's hair loss treatment should be individualized to his or her specific problem.
For example, Carol was started on a weekly regimen of laser hair therapy to increase her hair follicle activity and hopefully reawaken some of those follicles that had been shut down by her medication. In addition her hair loss treatment specialist worked with her to create an integration hair system, which used her existing hair combined with a bonded replacement to create a fully functioning, completely natural-looking part line that blended perfectly with her own hair! But Steve, with his entirely different problem, had an entirely different hair loss treatment plan, which included starting him on Propecia, a weekly at-home laser hair therapy regimen to retain and strengthen follicles around his hairline and everywhere else on his head, along with three natural-looking hair replacement systems bonded to his stable bald patches from the alopecia areata. Once his plan was in place, his outlook -- as well as the hair on his head -- improved.
Corrective Hair Solutions ensures you're getting the best of all hair loss treatment options
Be sure when checking into any hair loss treatment center that the center offers many different solutions to hair loss with specially trained technicians so they can tailor a plan specifically to your hair loss situation. Hammond explains, "Corrective Hair Solutions does not pigeonhole anyone's hair loss. One specific service doesn't meet most clients' needs -- we're not here to sell them something we want to push. Once we get as much information as possible from each client, then we can look at all the options that are right for them at their stage of hair loss. With Corrective Hair Solutions we can further re-evaluate treatments and make changes and additions to maximize results. We're interested in finding out what's going on with our clients' hair and what they need to make them look better -- but above all to make them feel better, too."
Corrective Hair Solutions goes far beyond hair replacement; it is a completely personalized hair loss treatment approach, depending on your personal hair loss situation.
When Carol, a 33-year-old flight attendant from Dallas, noticed her part thinning for the first time, it didn't really bother her. But three months later it was really getting noticeable, and she was cleaning up more and more hair from the shower drain every day. As it turned out, after a visit to the doctor, a steroid medication she was taking responsible for the hair thinning. Her doctor also asked her about her mother's and grandmother's hair. And then she remembered they had had the same problem, but it had happened when they were a lot older. The doctor determined that her medication had kick-started the process of female pattern baldness, and he immediately switched her medications. Carol didn't want to look this old and realized if she wanted to hold on to her hair and fix that gaping part line, she was going to have to do something about it.
Steve, a 37-year-old construction manager from Atlanta, had a completely different problem. Steve had alopecia areata for over a decade and had the same three patches of missing hair the whole time. But now, as he was getting older, he started to notice his hair thinning and receding around the hairline and saw a new bald spot on top, which his hair loss treatment specialist said was just natural male pattern baldness finally showing itself. He was already using Rogaine on top, but this new spot added to the other patches made Steve feel as if he was going to have to change up his hair loss treatment plan if he wanted a more natural-looking head of hair. The patches always had him feeling self-conscious; maybe now it was time to do something more about it.
Corrective Hair Solutions corrects, replaces and retains hair naturally and personally
"Hair loss is so personal," explains Dennis Hammond, owner of South Coast Hair Options in New Bedford, Mass., "and that's how we approach each client's hair loss treatment plan when they call and ask about Corrective Hair Solutions. When you first call for help with your hair loss, you don't know what's happening with your hair and you may feel overwhelmed and anxious. We want to get as much information as we can about your hair loss so that we can give you back as much information as there is available about your options for hair loss treatment. We want to hear about your lifestyle, diet and medications too. We want our clients to visit a doctor to confirm the diagnosis."
Hair loss can come in so many different forms, in so many different patterns, from so many different causes that no one hair loss treatment will work for everyone, explains Hammond. With new research into hair loss, new medications and new technology in creating nonsurgical hair replacement systems, there are a number of different options, so that every person's hair loss treatment should be individualized to his or her specific problem.
For example, Carol was started on a weekly regimen of laser hair therapy to increase her hair follicle activity and hopefully reawaken some of those follicles that had been shut down by her medication. In addition her hair loss treatment specialist worked with her to create an integration hair system, which used her existing hair combined with a bonded replacement to create a fully functioning, completely natural-looking part line that blended perfectly with her own hair! But Steve, with his entirely different problem, had an entirely different hair loss treatment plan, which included starting him on Propecia, a weekly at-home laser hair therapy regimen to retain and strengthen follicles around his hairline and everywhere else on his head, along with three natural-looking hair replacement systems bonded to his stable bald patches from the alopecia areata. Once his plan was in place, his outlook -- as well as the hair on his head -- improved.
Corrective Hair Solutions ensures you're getting the best of all hair loss treatment options
Be sure when checking into any hair loss treatment center that the center offers many different solutions to hair loss with specially trained technicians so they can tailor a plan specifically to your hair loss situation. Hammond explains, "Corrective Hair Solutions does not pigeonhole anyone's hair loss. One specific service doesn't meet most clients' needs -- we're not here to sell them something we want to push. Once we get as much information as possible from each client, then we can look at all the options that are right for them at their stage of hair loss. With Corrective Hair Solutions we can further re-evaluate treatments and make changes and additions to maximize results. We're interested in finding out what's going on with our clients' hair and what they need to make them look better -- but above all to make them feel better, too."