Health & Medical Medications & Drugs

What Is Magnesium Oxide For?

    In the Body

    • A Great Source for Magnesium"Yes, I Have No Bananas" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: *clairity* (Sharon Mollerus) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

      The human body requires Mg but it must contain oxygen in order to have the compound magnesium oxide (MgO) for overall usefulness. In general terms, the human body uses MgO to maintain adequate levels of Mg in the body. It is used for such simple things as indigestion and for the normal functioning of muscle, nerves, blood cells, and even your heart. It is used as a mineral supplement when blood test demonstrates low amounts in the circulatory system.

      However, by maintaining a balanced diet, the need for an MgO supplement is rare. For those who want a balanced diet and those who do not know what a balanced diet consist of, consulting the food pyramid published by the FDA should be your first step.

    Common Foods That Contain Mg

    • It comes naturally, not as an additive, in foods such as one cup of whole milk, which provides 6 percent of its daily value and 24 milligrams. Some other common, everyday foods that contain Mg are soybeans, nuts, peanut butter, potato, yogurt, bananas and even chocolate pudding.

      Eating a variety of whole grains and leafy vegetables every day will help in maintaining adequate levels and storage


    Industrial Uses

    • Use Caution"Most Dangerous Door on the London Underground" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: Annie Mole (Annie Mole) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

      Commercially, Mg is used for a myriad of applications mainly because of its inherent properties. It is slightly denser than aluminum and is easily machined, welded, forged, or cast. When mixed with aluminum and zinc, the alloy is used to manufacture engine parts, wheels and even certain parts of aircraft. Magnesium, when mixed with other compounds is used to make rockets, missiles, bombs, and luggage frames.

      Due to the brightness that emits when Mg is exposed to oxygen, they are used frequently in pyrotechnics or fireworks, flash bulbs for cameras and even added to some missile and rocket fuels. It assists in the prevention of corrosion, and is therefore used on the bottom of most every ship.

    Final Word

    • Like many elements found in the periodic table of elements, Mg has an abundance of uses, mostly all for good purposes but placed in the wrong hands with the correct know how, it is very dangerous. The most important thing to know about Mg and MgO is to understand what to use it for and the dangers and benefits that come with proper usage.

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