How to Print Event Tickets
- 1). Order the tickets from the seller. Usually for sites like and you will need to create an account and supply your address and credit card information first.
- 2). Log in to your account. It will show your order history and there should be a link that allows you to print your tickets. The look of the site will vary depending on the seller.
- 3). Click on that link to open a PDF file with your tickets in it. This will usually be a standard 8.5-by-11 inch document, so the ticket will fit on the entire page.
- 4). Double check the tickets before you print them to make sure they are accurate and what you ordered. Also make sure you have plenty of both black and color ink in your printer.
- 5). Print the tickets by pressing Control+P or by going to File--Print. Make sure the ink did not smudge. You will take the entire page to the event with you as your ticket and the usher must be able to scan the bar code on the page for you to gain entry so it is important that the page prints flawlessly.