Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

How to Be Irresistible to Women

    • 1). Be a confident person. Being attractive to women starts with being confident and comfortable with yourself. You must like being around yourself before others will. Don't be arrogant, but be confident in your skills and abilities.

    • 2). Have a positive attitude. Women like to be around someone who is always upbeat and positive. Positive people have a good energy that draws people, and particularly women, to them. Negativity creates an atmosphere of gloom and doom which no one likes to be around. If you are not naturally a positive, upbeat person, it may be difficult for you to be in good mood all the time. Practice not dwelling on the negatives of each situation and looking on the bright side of things.

    • 3). Have fun in whatever you do. We all want to have fun and are drawn to those who seem to have the most fun in life. Take joy in even the most routine part of your life, such as doing chores or going to work. Try to have fun in whatever you do and invite others to have fun with you. Fun-loving people draw others to them without even trying. Women will see that you are a fun person and will want to be around you.

    • 4). Use your sense of humor. Women like to laugh. It helps if you are naturally funny and witty, but you don't have to be a comedian to have a sense of humor. Don't take things too seriously. Laugh easily and at yourself. Women will appreciate your sense of humor and be drawn towards you. Just be careful of trying too hard to be funny or tell crude jokes. Remember, you are trying to appeal to women, not one of the guys.

    • 5). Stand out from the crowd. Let the distinct things of your personality stand out, such as your dress or the way you talk. If you have an accent or are from another culture, embrace it instead of hiding it. Women are intrigued by men who are from other cultures or are different from everyone else. Try to stand out and create an aura of mystery that invites women to want to get to know you.

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