Home & Garden Furniture

A Guide to Searching For Handheld Shower Filters

The search for a good handheld shower filter can be tough.
At least, it was tough for me.
It's hard to get the details out of some companies.
You almost have to call them up and ask them questions.
What contaminants do your handheld shower filters remove? What filtration steps are included? How is the percentage of contaminant reduction? Those are the questions that you need to ask.
It is sometime hard to get the answers, but every once in a while, you run across a really good product that is worth mentioning to other people.
First, though, I'd like to tell you how I tell the good products from the bad.
I am always suspicious of companies that do not go into a lot of details about their products.
They may be trying to keep it simple, but I feel as though they are trying to hide something.
There is one handheld shower filter made by a company called Paragon Water.
On there website, they claim to reduce chlorine by 99%, but they don't go into any detail about removal of other contaminants.
They do mention a reduction of Hydrogen Sulfide, but if you have that in your water, you would know it.
It produces a smell like rotten eggs and it's present in some shallow wells.
Charcoal would reduce the smell, but not the actual gas content in the atmosphere.
Since the company doesn't go into any details, I have to assume that they use charcoal in their handheld shower filters.
I was able to find independent surveys indicating that Paragon handheld shower filters reduce chlorine by only 50%.
That won't work for someone who's allergic to chlorine.
For the rest of us, it just won't make that much difference.
A handheld shower filter should reduce chlorine by at least 90%, in order to be effective.
There's another problem with Paragon and other showerhead systems that reduce chlorine.
They don't reduce THMs.
THMs or trihalomethanes are in any publicly treated water supply.
There are some regulations in place to limit the amount that may be present at the treatment facility, but research indicates that exposure to any amount increases an individual's risk of cancer.
There is some disagreement among scientists as to what source of exposure is accompanied by the greatest risk.
But, at least one research group has concluded that exposure by inhalation in an enclosed bathroom carries the greatest risk.
So, in order to protect your health, you need handheld shower filters that reduce THMs by at least 90%.
Another problem with Paragon and some of the other companies is that they don't reduce metallic contaminants, such as lead and copper.
You might wonder why it is important for a handheld shower filter to remove these contaminants.
It is true that consumption carries the only risk of lead poisoning.
But, if lead or copper is present in your water, your skin and hair will be duller.
Copper can actually change the color of your hair.
So, for strictly cosmetic reasons, the best handheld shower filters remove the metals.
The most effective handheld shower filter on the market can be purchased for less than $85.
It was the right choice for my family and maybe yours, too.

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