Business & Finance Finance

Debt Settlement - A Sensible Approach

There are many reasons that people hit a financial wall. Job loss, illness, divorce, or just bad financial habits can create a financial havoc. Any of those can lead to the inability to even make monthly minimum payments. If a consumer has no reliable stream of income or has so delinquent on debts that they just keep mounting, chances are that debt settlement is an option. It's a step to be taken to resolve debts and not being forced into bankruptcy.

When there seems to be no hope of resolving debts, many consumers believe that bankruptcy is the only way out. But bankruptcy isn't exactly a way to start a new and fresh life. Such action destroys a person's credit for seven to ten years. It can also force the sale of property not protected by law, and you still owe the full amount of debt. It's something that can haunt a person for many years. The option is debt settlement.

Debt settlement is a method of resolution, and you work with qualified consultants, who negotiate the amounts and interest rates of all your outstanding unsecured credit into a more workable number to cope with. You end up making one monthly payment through the resolution company. Basically, they take over with your creditors, and you get back to your life. Through debt settlement, it may take some time to get out of a financial crisis, but then, it took time to get there. By turning over what seems like an insurmountable financial crisis to professionals, it allows you to take a deep breath and move forward.

In debt settlement, the agreed upon monthly payment is placed into an FDIC insured trust account, and creditors are paid from those holdings by the resolution company. Generally, within twelve to thirty-six months - depending on amount of debt - you can expect to be free and clear again. Unlike debt management or bankruptcy, debt settlement does not appear on a credit report. Not only does that provide a greater since of privacy, but it allows you to start rebuilding your credit unlike going into bankruptcy. Even if your credit rating has suffered, by the time you have completed a debt settlement program, your credit rating will have started restoring itself. That means if you stick to sensible spending habits and return income to its normal level.

Debt settlement isn't easy, but it means that the consumer, who was ready to declare bankruptcy, opts for a way that doesn't ruin their life for years to come. The struggle to make it work pays off when all the debts are paid, and life can return to one less stressful.

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