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What Are the Dangers of Recovering Stolen Property?


    • Stolen property must be thoroughly cleaned after recovery, especially if it was used in a crime or had drugs or hazardous material near or inside it. For example, a stolen car used in an assault needs to be cleaned thoroughly - usually by a police-appointed hazardous material cleaning team - to ensure stolen property recipients are not in danger.

    Tracking Stolen Property

    • It's important to track stolen property through the police department to ensure your own safety and quick return of stolen property. Never try to find the person who stole the property; always use the police as a go-between. When tracking stolen property, always have the tracking number given to you by police and a full description of the item(s), a photograph and any serial numbers on the item.


    • If property was stolen by someone you know for personal reasons - for example, a wedding ring stolen from a former spouse - it's important to tell the police the details of the circumstances. If after the stolen item is returned and you fear the person will try to take it again, ask the police for a patrol to regularly drive by your house in case the perpetrator returns. If the stolen property is found a thief's home, a police escort may be used to retrieve the property. If the newly returned stolen item would best be left somewhere outside the home, consider opening a safety deposit box.

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