Business & Finance Corporations

Avoid This Mistake When Starting Your Home Based Business

In this article I will explain how making one fundamental mistake will frustrate your efforts to make money online with your online business. The ease with which you can set up business online now is mindboggling and with a bit of effort and trial and error you can set up and monetize a blog in less than 1 hour. But that does not mean that it will ever show a profit because the look and feel is all over the place. Let me explain..

Newcomers to internet business and marketing can learn very quickly how to build a Wordpress blog. They learn pretty quickly also about the various methods by which you can make an income from your work by using Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, Clickbank products, the Amazon affiliate program, Commission Junction, eBay and so on.

The newcomer then decides to try a little bit of everything on their site or blog and end up with a dogs dinner of a site which might, if they are lucky, see the odd Adsense click and Amazon sale.

Frustration then sets in and the newcomer quits and thinks that making money online is a scam and pipedream. This is a pity because the mistake being made here is failure to recognise that the look and feel of your site must be appropriate to the business model that you are following.

This essentially means that a site that is designed for maximum Google Adsense income must have a completely different look and feel from a site which is aimed at affiliate sales of ,say, Clickbank products.

In conclusion you must decide at the outset which business model you are going to follow and rinse and repeat that model.

But you must ensure that the look and feel of your blog or website is suited to the model that you are using and not a desperate attempt to throw as much monetization as you can at your site and hope that it shows some kind of return.

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