Outdoor Clocks
Once you have landscaped and equipped your yard in such a way that friends and family are going to be spending more and more time there then you will often need an outdoor clock, so they can keep track of the time that flies by all to quickly when they are having fun.
What many people choose to do when equipping their yard with an outdoor clock is to include the clock as part of a total meteorlogical system. These systems have become far more affordable now and are always a great conversation piece for a yard. They can include such items as a wind sock or or propeller operated wind direction and speed indicator as well as an ambient temperature thermostat among other things.
Of course for telling the time outdoors in the yard there is always the old stand-by "sun dial" clock that many people opt for. These are great for telling roughly what time it is and kids just love them but they do need to be adjusted seasonaly to account for the suns position in the sky changing. Also, they don't work so well on a cloudy day and if the sky is extremely overcast they don't work at all.
If you are planing on including a bar-BQ area in your yard or by your pool then a good solid functioning outdoor clock will definitely pay off. This is because estimating time when you are cooking inside is different from estimating time outside with a drink in your hand and kids frolicking around.
One thing to remember when selecting an outdoor clock is that just because it is marketed as an outdoor clock doesn't mean that it is impervious to extreme weather and will last for ever. Check to see that it has proper rubber seals and even then it doesn't hurt to install it under some cover such as an overhanging eve of a building.
What many people choose to do when equipping their yard with an outdoor clock is to include the clock as part of a total meteorlogical system. These systems have become far more affordable now and are always a great conversation piece for a yard. They can include such items as a wind sock or or propeller operated wind direction and speed indicator as well as an ambient temperature thermostat among other things.
Of course for telling the time outdoors in the yard there is always the old stand-by "sun dial" clock that many people opt for. These are great for telling roughly what time it is and kids just love them but they do need to be adjusted seasonaly to account for the suns position in the sky changing. Also, they don't work so well on a cloudy day and if the sky is extremely overcast they don't work at all.
If you are planing on including a bar-BQ area in your yard or by your pool then a good solid functioning outdoor clock will definitely pay off. This is because estimating time when you are cooking inside is different from estimating time outside with a drink in your hand and kids frolicking around.
One thing to remember when selecting an outdoor clock is that just because it is marketed as an outdoor clock doesn't mean that it is impervious to extreme weather and will last for ever. Check to see that it has proper rubber seals and even then it doesn't hurt to install it under some cover such as an overhanging eve of a building.