Health & Medical Women's Health

Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms and Treatment

Yeast cells are common in the vaginal area; a small number of yeast cells are still considered healthy.
The acidity of the vaginal environment is critical in keeping the vagina healthy from yeast infections, as the acidity prevents the yeast cells from multiplying.
However, overgrowth of such leads to vaginal yeast infection.
The yeast Candida is the culprit for those infections.
More specifically, the yeast that causes vaginal yeast infection is called the Candida albicans.
More often than not, those women who are taking antibiotics are prone to yeast infection, since the antibiotics can kill the good bacteria around the vagina.
Hence, the good bacteria are unable to counter the overgrowth of yeast.
Women who are stressed out or those who follow poor diets may be prone to getting yeast infections.
Lack of sleep may also trigger the condition.
Those with illnesses related to a poor immune system are also likely to contract the infection, since their bodies are unable to keep the yeast at bay.
Moisture is another factor that may lead to a yeast infection, since moisture allows yeast to grow.
Moreover, wearing tight underwear can be a cause.
The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is the vaginal itch or soreness.
This is characterized by a burning sensation in the skin surrounding the vagina; this leads to discomfort.
Other women may notice a thick white odorless discharge often compared to cottage cheese.
There are also women who feel discomfort during intercourse.
Although yeast infections often occur in women, there are cases wherein the infection is transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Getting a pelvic examination is one way to determine if you have a yeast infection.
The doctor may also opt to take a sample of the discharge and have it tested for yeast.
Treatment becomes more manageable once the infection is diagnosed.
In some cases when the symptoms are not severe, the patient with vaginal yeast infection may wait to see if the situation improves on its own.
If not, topical antifungal creams or ointments are can be used to treat the infection.
These medications may be obtained even without a prescription, as some are readily available over the counter.
There are also creams that are applied inside the vagina with special applicators.
More serious symptoms require medications that are taken orally.
In those cases, it is best to consult a doctor, especially if the woman is pregnant.
Doctors may also prescribe a suppository.
Prevention is always better than cure, so it pays to take some effort in preventing a yeast infection.
Keeping the vaginal area is vital in preventing yeast from growing; this means that one should change out of wet clothes as soon as possible.
Avoiding tight underwear is also advisable.
It is best to wear cotton underwear, since those do not trap moisture.
Women should also keep from wearing pantyhose too frequently.
It is important to keep the vaginal area clean, but one should be cautious of which products to use, as some soap contains irritants.
Changing napkins or tampons frequently, and avoiding scented or colored toilet paper also helps big time.

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