Technology Software

Adobe Indesign Cs2 Instructions

    • 1). Create a new publication by clicking the "File" menu and selecting "Document." Choose how many pages you want the document to have along with the page size, orientation, columns, and other specifications. Click the "OK" button once you are ready to create the document.

    • 2). Familiarize yourself with the Adobe InDesign environment. For instance, placing any items outside the page boundaries will not be included when printing so take note of the page boundaries around the edges of the paper. The space between the purple box and page boundaries represents the margin so use that as a guide when laying out content.

    • 3). Change the "Fill" and "Stroke" colors that reflect your tool by double clicking the corresponding two boxes below the toolbox. The "Stroke" color box is the one that shows a border color.

    • 4). Explore the 29 tools found on the InDesign toolbox. Hover your mouse over each tool to see what it does. Click on the tool to see the special options that the tool has on the toolbar below the menu. Use the tool by moving your mouse to the canvas and left-click or right-click depending on the tool.

    • 5). Once you are happy with the publication you made, click "File" and then click "Save" or "Save As." Choose a location where you wish to save it and click the "Save" button. If you need to "Print" the publication, click "File" and "Print" instead and then customize the various printing options.

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