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Trying To Get Pregnant: How Will I Start for Getting Pregnant Quickly?

If you are trying to get pregnant you are probably anxious to begin your journey as soon as possible.
And although you won't be able to force Mother Nature on your own, there are a few quick tips to keep in mind to help move the process along.
Tips for Trying to Get Pregnant Faster
  • Getting Healthy
Although it really should go without saying, women who are trying to get pregnant must begin preparing their bodies for the miracle that lies ahead long before they actually become pregnant.
Things like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs can all have a negative effect on your fertility, not to mention the developing fetus once you are pregnant.
Instead of waiting for the big day when you finally have a positive pregnancy test, why not stop smoking or drinking now? The risks to your fertility and your future children are simply too great.
Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble quitting when trying to get pregnant and seek support online from likeminded people or from supportive friends and family.
  • Having Regular Sex
It might seem like a no-brainer that you need to have sex when trying to get pregnant, you may be surprised at the number of women who simply aren't having intercourse often enough, or equally as bad, not having it at the right times.
When trying to get pregnant, aim for having sex three times per week which will cover any questionable days if you aren't exactly sure when you ovulated.
  • Using an Ovulation Predictor Kit
An ovulation predictor kit, often called an OPK, can take the guesswork out of trying to get pregnant and also to help pinpoint the day when you ovulate.
An OPK works by detecting hormones in your urine that surge just prior to ovulation or releasing an egg.
  • Learning to Read Your Body's Signs
Becoming in tune with your body's subtle signs that it sends to you each month during the menstruation and fertile periods is one good way of increasing your chances of success when trying to get pregnant.
Pay attention to signs of PMS or premenstrual syndrome including mood swings, food cravings, bloating, and cramping and keep track of everything including cervical mucous in a notebook or in a file on your computer.
Also note the days of your menstrual cycle and you may also want to start taking your basal body temperature when trying to get pregnant, which is your body's temperature right after waking up in the morning.
Your temperature will increase slightly (a degree or less) right after ovulation making you the most fertile two to three days before this increase.
  • Seeing Your Doctor
Naturally you should see your doctor before beginning the process of trying to get pregnant to ensure you are in good health and physically able to carry a baby to full term.
You should also make an appointment with your gynecologist or medical provider if you have been trying to get pregnant for than a year or more unsuccessfully.
Underlying issues with either you or your partner, or both, that can affect your fertility can be determined as well as the best steps to proceed to help make your dreams of having a healthy baby come true.

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