Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Flea and Tick Prevention For Dogs

With the warmer weather approaching, have you thought about flea and tick control yet? Actually, you should always be thinking about it.
Your dog needs to be protected from fleas and ticks year round.
Just two fleas can cause you and your dog havoc, and in some cases, if your dog is very young or old, there is a potential case for death with a heavy infestation of fleas.
As with most cases, a little prevention now can save you lots of time and money a few months down the road.
Here's what you need to do to protect your home and dog from flea infestation:
  • Regular Grooming: Grooming your dog on a regular basis with a special flea and tick comb is one of the best things you can do to help your dog.
    Not only will your dog love the interaction, but you'll get to know what condition their skin is in, and if they have any sign of fleas.
  • Bathing: Bathing can be fun! Just remember to use luke-warm to warm water, and use a shampoo with herbs instead of harsh chemicals.
  • Vacuuming: If your dogs are in and out of the house, you should probably vacuum your home at least three times a week, and a thorough vacuum at least once a month.
    Vacuuming will prevent any fleas and ticks from living in your carpet or furniture, so when you're doing your thorough vacuuming, be sure to include your most heavily used furniture.
  • Cleaning: A thorough cleaning and washing of your dogs bedding can aid in the fight against fleas.
    If you're in the least suspicious about fleas and ticks on your dogs, immediately wash their bedding.
If you get in the habit of doing these four things, you could see a decrease in fleas and ticks on your dogs within weeks.
Remember, if you find your dogs do have fleas, there are alternatives to the harsh flea treatments you can get from your veterinarian.
Natural flea treatment can be just as powerful, and is better for both yourself and your dog.

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