The Traffic Generation Technique Of Buying Existing Undervalued Websites
This is a traffic technique that many marketers overlook but if done correctly can generate quite a bit of traffic for very little money.
There are many webmasters who simply underestimate the value of their websites.
It is kind of like buying a nice house which is run down somewhat.
Add a new coat of paint, do a little cosmetic work and the house is worth much more.
There are many websites out there which just need a marketing coat of paint and a little marketing know how to be much more profitable.
Remember many of these existing web businesses come with their customer and prospect lists.
Are these owners even following up? Surprisingly most are not.
Right there you have a huge potential to increase profitability.
This is called "sweat equity" in the offline real estate world.
You could add your own "cyber sweat" to existing web properties to increase value.
You do not have to wait for people to put their sites up for sale.
There are many sites on Clickbank and PayDotCom that have potential but are not doing that well.
Actually most products on Clickbank are hardly getting any sales at all.
Maybe they started with a big bang with a launch then the owners just lost interest.
Maybe, the product is great but the owners got IM ADD and got distracted by other projects.
Add some evergreen marketing techniques and you could be doing better than the original owners of the site.
This might be an even better technique than buying sites that people are selling on established site selling websites.
The reason is many of these people may have just given up and may be thrilled even at a low-ball offer.
You have the potential of buying sites for super discounted rates.
Maybe it is an information product that you really like and you can break up the content into lots of quality articles that you can in turn submit to article directories around the web.
Just one good eBook can give you hundreds of pages of quality content that you now own.
You can even turn the content into video and submit it to the major video directories using a program like ContentBuzz.
You can turn the product into several ebooks and submit them to all the eBook directories.
Don't forget about viral reports, podcasts, beefing up your blog posts, the possibilities go on and on.
It is important when you buy a website that you have a feel for the site.
Maybe you like the idea but have new ideas for the site.
You must have an affinity for the product.
What will work for you might not work for someone else.
The truth is there are so many possibilities out there for marketing on the web that the real problem is choosing one and getting started!
There are many webmasters who simply underestimate the value of their websites.
It is kind of like buying a nice house which is run down somewhat.
Add a new coat of paint, do a little cosmetic work and the house is worth much more.
There are many websites out there which just need a marketing coat of paint and a little marketing know how to be much more profitable.
Remember many of these existing web businesses come with their customer and prospect lists.
Are these owners even following up? Surprisingly most are not.
Right there you have a huge potential to increase profitability.
This is called "sweat equity" in the offline real estate world.
You could add your own "cyber sweat" to existing web properties to increase value.
You do not have to wait for people to put their sites up for sale.
There are many sites on Clickbank and PayDotCom that have potential but are not doing that well.
Actually most products on Clickbank are hardly getting any sales at all.
Maybe they started with a big bang with a launch then the owners just lost interest.
Maybe, the product is great but the owners got IM ADD and got distracted by other projects.
Add some evergreen marketing techniques and you could be doing better than the original owners of the site.
This might be an even better technique than buying sites that people are selling on established site selling websites.
The reason is many of these people may have just given up and may be thrilled even at a low-ball offer.
You have the potential of buying sites for super discounted rates.
Maybe it is an information product that you really like and you can break up the content into lots of quality articles that you can in turn submit to article directories around the web.
Just one good eBook can give you hundreds of pages of quality content that you now own.
You can even turn the content into video and submit it to the major video directories using a program like ContentBuzz.
You can turn the product into several ebooks and submit them to all the eBook directories.
Don't forget about viral reports, podcasts, beefing up your blog posts, the possibilities go on and on.
It is important when you buy a website that you have a feel for the site.
Maybe you like the idea but have new ideas for the site.
You must have an affinity for the product.
What will work for you might not work for someone else.
The truth is there are so many possibilities out there for marketing on the web that the real problem is choosing one and getting started!