Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Acai Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Acai berry is no doubt a gift of nature.
The river-flow of benefits overshadows its unwanted side effects.
Even though most Acai consumers have not experienced side effects, other people may not exactly like the berry's positive effects.
Indicated below are a few Acai warning signs and symptoms you may need to keep an eye out for.
#1 - Constipation.
Acai contains a rich amount of fiber.
Fiber is responsible for colon cleansing and stimulating the digestive system.
Its only disadvantage is that it's possible to take in excessive fiber in one day (such as by eating too many fruits and vegetables).
Too much fiber can lead to constipation.
This is only temporary, but it's pretty inconvenient.
#2 - Sustained weight loss.
If you want to lose weight, Acai berry is the answer.
Acai increases body metabolism and reduces appetite.
This is the reason why people are losing significant amounts of weight with regular Acai intake.
If you want to GAIN some weight instead, this Acai warning sign is something to be dealt with carefully.
#3 - Health fluctuations.
Health interruptions are likely to appear when you stop using Acai all of a sudden.
This side effect is normal, though -- like other food supplements, the intake of Acai is best when done on a regular basis.
These are the Acai warning signs and symptoms you'll need to carefully consider.
Its side effects are definitely nothing compared to its benefits, so if these three signs aren't a problem for you, go ahead and do your health a favor -- try Acai.

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