Business & Finance Blogging

How to Set the Dimension of a WordPress Website

    • 1). Log into your WordPress admin area. Click on "Appearance," then "Editor." This is the WordPress Theme Editor, which allows you to view and edit the files that make up your blog.

    • 2). Click "header.php." This file controls the header information, such as title tags and meta tags, but also the top menu bar of WordPress sites. Scroll down and look below the <body> tag. Write down the names of the <div> tags you see. These are dividers, which determine the size of different parts of the site. In particular, take note of the first divider, usually called "wrapper" or "container," which sets the overall width of the site.

    • 3). Click "index.php." Look underneath the "get_header();" tag, and again, write down the names of the dividers here. Then go to "sidebar.php" and note the dividers here, too. Normally, the sidebar divider is simply labelled <div>, but it is worth checking just in case your theme uses a different name or has two sidebars labeled "sidebar1" and "sidebar2."

    • 4). Click "Stylesheet," located near the bottom of the list on the right. Now you can edit the dividers you have noted down to the dimensions you want. But first, copy and paste the entire file into a text editor and save it to your hard drive. This way you can replace this backup should you make a mistake that you cannot undo.

    • 5). Scan the file for the dividers you want to modify, either by scrolling through the file manually or by pressing "Ctrl" and "F" to bring up a search menu. When you find the code for the divider, look for the "width" and "height" attributes beneath them and modify the values to the dimensions you wish. Note that usually they are listed in pixels; for example


      But sometimes they are given as percentages of the divider in which they are contained.

    • 6). Click "Update File" while you are done.

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