How to Increase Penis Size in Minutes
You can quickly and effectively learn how to increase penis size right away, within 5 minutes or so.
I will first provide the technique, as well as a shortcut for the technique which may be more convenient for some.
First technique: This first technique involves taking a shower (and as I said I will provide a shortcut to this method so a shower won't always be necessary).
In the shower you want to direct hot water towards your penis and hold it there for a few minutes, it shouldn't take longer than five minutes.
Now, while you want the water hot, you definitely do not want it too hot where it is going to cause harm.
What this does is quickly increases blood flow which creates your best and biggest size.
This will last for several minutes after, but obviously it won't be permanent.
But it is an easy and ultra effective way to gain immediate size.
Second technique: This is the "how to increase penis size within minutes , the shortcut method.
Now, I promised a shortcut, because not everyone is going to want to, or be able to jump in the shower to get that quick and immediate size gain.
In this case you need only have to go to a sink and get the water fairly hot (again, not too hot).
Take a washcloth put it under the water soaking it and rinsing it out.
Then immediately wrap the cloth around your penis, holding it there, basically "heating it up".
You may want to re-heat the cloth once or twice, but within five minutes you should notice a decent size increase and will have successfully learned how to increase penis size quickly.
I will first provide the technique, as well as a shortcut for the technique which may be more convenient for some.
First technique: This first technique involves taking a shower (and as I said I will provide a shortcut to this method so a shower won't always be necessary).
In the shower you want to direct hot water towards your penis and hold it there for a few minutes, it shouldn't take longer than five minutes.
Now, while you want the water hot, you definitely do not want it too hot where it is going to cause harm.
What this does is quickly increases blood flow which creates your best and biggest size.
This will last for several minutes after, but obviously it won't be permanent.
But it is an easy and ultra effective way to gain immediate size.
Second technique: This is the "how to increase penis size within minutes , the shortcut method.
Now, I promised a shortcut, because not everyone is going to want to, or be able to jump in the shower to get that quick and immediate size gain.
In this case you need only have to go to a sink and get the water fairly hot (again, not too hot).
Take a washcloth put it under the water soaking it and rinsing it out.
Then immediately wrap the cloth around your penis, holding it there, basically "heating it up".
You may want to re-heat the cloth once or twice, but within five minutes you should notice a decent size increase and will have successfully learned how to increase penis size quickly.