Technology Networking & Internet

Internet Marketing - Start as you mean to go on!

To make Internet Marketing a success, you'll need more than just a computer and strong internet connection. Remember that working from home is very different to that of a regular work environment, even an office.

There's a few adjustments you need to make to your working style, schedule, and even your attitude to make sure you are productive. Follow a few simple rules and you'll be certain to perform well.

1. Notebook and pen. These are as valuable as your computer once you keep them accessible. You'll find that Internet Marketing can be very addictive and you'll constantly be getting ideas. You'll need to be able to write these down while they're fresh in your mind.

2. You need a definite work place.  A spare room would be ideal although not necessary. Any space you can have to yourself is fine once it allows you to function with little or no distractions. 

3. Set your working hours.  For this to work well, you need to have "fairly" set working hours. I know that one of the advantages of Internet Marketing is working when you like but can be disorganised and unproductive. Set your hours, then switch off your computer Remember the notebook and pen? Now where did I leave them!

4. Set yourself goals.  This will help to highlight your progress and aid time management. Write your goals in your notebook and see if they are met at the end of your working day. If you don't set yourself goals, you have nothing to aim for and could end up achieving nothing.

5. Avoid online distractions.  Facebook and Youtube are great but where does the time go? Apart from anything else, this will distract you from what you are trying to achieve. Concentrate on the task in hand and use your working time to be as productive as possible. You have lots of spare time to surf.

6. Get out for air.  Now that your job only involves you, a computer, and a virtual world, you need to make sure you keep connected with people. Don't spend to long locked in the house or you could end up letting the virtual world take over from the real one!

Now that you're organised, all you need is the right mindset, a bit of flare, enthusiasm and patience. If things aren't going the way you planned at the start - don't give up.

Try to think like your target market - 
  • What do they want? 
  • What do they need? 
  • What do they buy?

Thousands of Internet Marketers give up because they get fed up and are not willing to try something new. They think if one thing doesn't work, nothing will work - Keep trying! 

"Failure is not falling down, it is not getting back up again" - Mary Pickford

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