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Age Defying Cleanser by Olay

Who says you can't reverse your skin's aging process simply by cleaning your face? Now get all the help you can get to regain youthful skin with Olay's Age Defying Cleanser.
Olay Age Defying Cleanser Through its expert formulation of moisturizers and age defying ingredients, Olay's Age Defying Ceanser hydrates and rejuvenates your skin even as it cleanses.
With every wash, your skin is cleansed from within, promoting healthier skin, while providing protection from aging.
While other skin cleansers can be harsh to the skin, leaving it dry and more prone to signs of aging, Olay's Age Defying Cleanser has perfected its formulation so you get perfectly clean skin with protection from signs of aging.
This is the perfect ingredient to every skin care beauty regimen.
How It Works Olay's Age Defying Cleanser has microbeads which clean deep within the skin's pores, gently removing clog and dirt, and removing excess oil.
Coupled with beta-hydroxy, which is the product's active ingredient, the exfoliating action of the beads helps slough off dead skin cells, reducing the skin's dull and dry appearance.
It penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate skin renewal.
The newly formed skin then replaces the dead skin cells that have been exfoliated, revealing healthier, younger looking, vibrant skin.
Skin feels soft and supple to the touch with every use, and continued use results in skin that's as good as new.
I tried using Olay's Age Defying Cleanser, with full make-up on, and it did a fantastic job lifting away my make-up and thoroughly cleansing my skin.
Because of its exfoliating properties, I immediately felt my skin become significantly smoother and softer after just one use.
It really gave instant results! There was no oily residue, nor did it leave my skin feeling dry or irritated.
My skin felt supple and soft to the touch, and there was a glow that lasted well after I used the product.
With previous cleansers I've tried, they did do a good job thoroughly cleaning my skin, however, I would have to use a moisturizer and toner afterward, because the cleanser would leave my skin clean but looking dull and blotchy.
With Olay's Age Defying Cleanser, all the make-up and oil were thoroughly removed, my skin was completely cleansed, but without the dryness! My skin felt moisturized and rejuvenated, and it looked radiant.
I actually bring this product along with me now everywhere I go.
When my skin starts to feel tired or look dull, I just pop into the nearest washroom, wash my face with Olay's Age Defying Cleanser, and my skin looks vibrant and radiant, like I'd just had a facial Where to Buy You can get Olay's Age Defying Cleanser in most any major retail store and beauty shop.
This fantastic product is very affordable at only $5.
This is great value for money given the product's benefits and guaranteed results.
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