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Introduction to PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Diet Information

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a health condition that affects women aged 13 and older.
The disease is passed on genetically to offspring, and both the mother and father are carriers of the PCOS-inducing gene.
In short, if your father has the gene, he may have passed it on to you, even if it is impossible for him to develop PCOS himself.
Your mother may have also passed it on to you if she has developed PCOS herself, or if her mother/grandmother had PCOS.
This disease can skip generations as well, but it doesn't mean that the gene disappears.
The gene may lay dormant in the present generation, but may be reactivated in the next.
When a woman has PCOS, her hormone balance is disrupted.
Sometimes, a PCOS patient has estrogen levels that are too low.
In some cases, there is an overproduction of the male hormone (androgen).
Both males and females have androgen and estrogen in their bodies.
However, a balance must be struck between the two types of hormones in order for a person to live normally.
In the event that the natural hormonal balance is disrupted, symptoms such as balding or acne may suddenly manifest.
Lifestyle changes, changing your diet, and getting more exercise are key solutions for PCOS patients.
PCOS doesn't really have an empirical cure and, like rheumatism, it can make your life uncomfortable if you do not know how to manage it correctly.
In addition to getting the right treatment and consulting with your physician regularly, you can also reduce the impact of PCOS by following these simple diet guidelines: 1.
Choose whole food over processed food 90% of the time.
We know that many people limit their consumption to whole food, because it takes time to cook food at home and often, natural ingredients for wholesome, home cooked meals are expensive.
However, it should be noted that the more whole food you eat, the better you will feel and, in the long term, this will definitely help cut down the costs of medicating your condition.
And don't you feel that your body deserves more than your average fast food takeout? If you become sicker because of processed food and fast food, you will still end up spending more cash because you will land in a hospital or in your doctor's office (and frequently, at that!).
The amount of calories that you consume in a day is of paramount importance.
You should be aware of how many calories you are consuming, and how much fat, protein, and carbohydrates you are giving your body on a daily basis.
Food charts and calorie counting references will help you determine the best foods for weight loss or weight maintenance.
Purchase organic produce from local producers more often.
They may be more expensive, but you will gain a huge advantage because organic foods are not loaded with antibiotics, pesticides, and other nasty chemicals that can further imbalance your hormone levels.
Yes, chemicals used in food can do that!

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