Health & Medical Nutrition

Breaking Down the Ingredients in Zrii

A lot of great things come in seven.
One of Akira Kurosawa's greatest and most influential film was Seven Samurai.
Truly a great and influential film as it is still today recognized as one of the top ten greatest films of all time in 1982 and 1992.
It also remains one of the select few of Japanese films that is widely known in the west.
The number seven also appears a lot in religion.
For Judaism, God rested on the seventh day after creating the world in six days.
He also sanctified the seventh day and made it the day of rest.
For Christianity, Jesus while nailed on the cross had seven last words to say before dying.
Seven is also the number of virtues, of deadly sins, and of the sacraments for the Catholic faith.
How many suicides are mentioned in the bible? You guessed it right, seven.
And now, another great creation has arrived that also continues the legacy of a number seven.
It is Zrii nutritional drink and it has seven potent ingredients that is sure to make you healthy and well.
So what are these seven potent ingredients ? First, the highlight of the ingredients in this nutritional drink is the Amalaki.
The Amalaki, according to the healing tradition of the Ayurveda is considered to be the most powerful rejuvenating medicine.
It is used as sustainer to nourish the blood, the skin, the liver and the bones.
It is also used to treat a lot of debilitating conditions too.
For its number two ingredient in this nutritional drink, it has Ginger.
Ginger is native to China and India and has already been used for its medicinal properties.
Ginger is used to improve digestion, assimilation and absorption.
It is also effective in treating arthritis, blood thinning, nausea and dyspepsia.
For its third ingredient, this nutritional drink also has the powerful medicine of Chinese and Indian, the bright yellow of the spice rainbow, the one they call, Turmeric.
Turmeric is good for the body in treating flatulence, menstrual difficulties, hemorrhage, bloody urine, toothache, bruises and chest pain.
The fourth ingredient in the drink is Tulsi.
Tulsi which is also spelled as tulasi is an aromatic plant that is referred to as a holy basil.
For its medicinal properties, Tulsi is known to enhance digestion and intestinal health.
It is also used to treat colds, headaches, stomach ailments, heart diseases, malaria and inflammation.
The fifth ingredient in is Schizandra.
Schizandra is a herb that is world renowned as a beauty tonic and a youth preserver.
Then the sixth ingredient is Jujube, an edible fruit that can calm nerves, reduce the effects of stress and purify the blood.
And for its last ingredient, the Haritaki fruit.
It can nourish tissues, heart, liver and kidney.
Seven potent ingredients.
All in one powerful drink to make you healthy and well.
Fell the power of these seven ingredients in Zrii nutritional drink.

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