Most Natural Premature Ejaculation Technique Ever - Did You Miss Out On It?
The embarrassing experience of premature ejaculation can be a real curse to men.
The trouble is that many men are just clueless when it comes to effective techniques to prevent premature ejaculation In this article, I am going to share with you 3 proven techniques you can deploy tonight for prolonging ejaculation.
They are quick and easy to use, and the good news is that they won't cost you a penny.
So relax, take a few minutes and get ready to discover the secrets for conquering your lovemaking session.
The squeeze technique.
Here's how it works: First, have intercourse as normal, until you feel ejaculation is near.
Second, squeeze right below the head of your penis (or glans), keep squeezing for several seconds until the impulse fades out.
Third, relax, and wait patiently for about 30 seconds before going back to game.
Repeat the process when you feel the urge again.
Through regular practises of this technique, you'll be able to control your ejaculation much better and enjoy longer lovemaking sessions.
The Taoist sexual kung fu technique.
This may sound like a voodoo method, but if you take some time to practise it, you will be amazed by its benefit.
Here's how it works: during intercourse, when you feel the ejaculation is close at hand, tighten the PC muscles, close your eyes and roll them upward, move your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and try to visualize the process of "huan jing bu nao", or withdrawing your sexual energy from your genital region all the way up to your brain.
By doing so, you are helping circulating your sexual energy throughout your body instead of leaving it hot and burning down on the crotch.
During the process, also don't forget to breathe slowly and deeply, which will aid the practise a lot.
This is probably the most natural premature ejaculation technique ever.
Give pressure on the perineum.
Pressing on the perineum is an effective way of delaying ejaculation.
The way it works is because it gives pressure to the prostate gland, where the ejaculation fluid is expelled through its contraction and expansion.
When you feel an ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the scrotum and anus, this will do the trick and help you cool down a bit.
You can also have your partner do this for you, but in both cases remember to do this quick and not too strong.
These three techniques, when done correctly and consistently, will defeat pre ejaculation in spades.
With the squeezing technique, Taoist sexual kung fu technique, and giving pressure on the perineum, you'll be able to last a lot longer in bed than before and lead to a much more satisfied sex life from this point forward.
The trouble is that many men are just clueless when it comes to effective techniques to prevent premature ejaculation In this article, I am going to share with you 3 proven techniques you can deploy tonight for prolonging ejaculation.
They are quick and easy to use, and the good news is that they won't cost you a penny.
So relax, take a few minutes and get ready to discover the secrets for conquering your lovemaking session.
The squeeze technique.
Here's how it works: First, have intercourse as normal, until you feel ejaculation is near.
Second, squeeze right below the head of your penis (or glans), keep squeezing for several seconds until the impulse fades out.
Third, relax, and wait patiently for about 30 seconds before going back to game.
Repeat the process when you feel the urge again.
Through regular practises of this technique, you'll be able to control your ejaculation much better and enjoy longer lovemaking sessions.
The Taoist sexual kung fu technique.
This may sound like a voodoo method, but if you take some time to practise it, you will be amazed by its benefit.
Here's how it works: during intercourse, when you feel the ejaculation is close at hand, tighten the PC muscles, close your eyes and roll them upward, move your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and try to visualize the process of "huan jing bu nao", or withdrawing your sexual energy from your genital region all the way up to your brain.
By doing so, you are helping circulating your sexual energy throughout your body instead of leaving it hot and burning down on the crotch.
During the process, also don't forget to breathe slowly and deeply, which will aid the practise a lot.
This is probably the most natural premature ejaculation technique ever.
Give pressure on the perineum.
Pressing on the perineum is an effective way of delaying ejaculation.
The way it works is because it gives pressure to the prostate gland, where the ejaculation fluid is expelled through its contraction and expansion.
When you feel an ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the scrotum and anus, this will do the trick and help you cool down a bit.
You can also have your partner do this for you, but in both cases remember to do this quick and not too strong.
These three techniques, when done correctly and consistently, will defeat pre ejaculation in spades.
With the squeezing technique, Taoist sexual kung fu technique, and giving pressure on the perineum, you'll be able to last a lot longer in bed than before and lead to a much more satisfied sex life from this point forward.