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Benefits Of Backyard Organic Gardening

American back yards contain more organic gardening projects than at any time since the Victory Gardens of the second World War.

Homeowners are discovering the benefits of having fresh fruits and vegetables available on a regular basis as well as the personal satisfaction provided by starting edible plants from seed. Gardening can also be an educational activity for children and something that the entire family can participate in together. Children who garden with their parents or other family members learn healthy eating habits early and are less likely to develop weight problems later on in life.

Whether you've owned your home for a number of years or have just recently purchased it, you may be wondering how to grow the best fruits and vegetables in the backyard garden. The first thing that you should know is that most fruits and vegetables require fairly good soil for optimal performance. Adding organic amendments such as mushroom compost to your garden soil is recommended in order to maintain a fertile growing environment. It's also a good idea to get your soil tested so that you'll know what nutrients it may be lacking. Most county agricultural extension departments offer soil analysis as well as educational materials for homeowners aiming to have a thriving fruit and vegetable garden.

Placing of the garden is also important if you're going to have a healthy and productive vegetable garden. Even the best soil preparation technique won't help if they're planting in a location that doesn't offer them the proper amount of sun. Most vegetable plants require about six hours of full sun per day in order to produce blossoms and set fruit.

Organic gardening practices generally produce healthier results than gardens grown with fertilizers, weed-killers and pesticide products that contain high concentrations of chemical compounds. Children, pets, and neighborhood birds are also safer in environments that haven't been treated with chemicals, and the vegetables themselves are less likely to have toxic content. Skin rashes and respiratory difficulties are common among people who are exposed to agricultural chemicals, and long-term adverse health effects have been experienced by those who have had prolonged direct contact with pesticides and herbicides.

Research has shown that those who know how to grow the best fruits and vegetables in their backyard garden eat healthier meals that people who rely on produce from grocery store aisles. A partial reason for this is that grocery store produce is often trucked in from faraway states and even from other countries. The longer the amount of time between harvest and consumption of fruits and vegetables, the less nutritious they are. Anything that is just picked from the garden will be as vitamin rich as possible.

People who live in homes with productive backyard vegetable gardens are also more likely to spontaneously include their garden offerings in all of their household meals. It's so much easier to grab a handful of fresh berries to stir into cereal than it is to run to the store for breakfast items, and homes who practise organic gardening in their backyards always have fresh salads on the table during dinner.

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