Health & Medical Anti Aging

Telomeres and the Future of Aging

Every once in a while in the course of human events a discovery is made that changes the world and shakes our assumptions to their very core.
On occasion these discoveries do not arrive with a thunderous clap of lightening as one might assume.
Instead they arrive with a whisper.
Yet the promise they offer is almost deafening to the select few who are listening.
One such discovery involved a microscopic part of our chromosomes called Telomeres.
Telomeres are regions of repetitive DNA that protect the end of chromosomes from deterioration.
In the mid 1970's the nature of Telomeres was discovered by a post-doctoral student by the name of Elizabeth Blackburn.
While attending Yale University, Ms.
Blackburn determined that Telomeres were necessary to protect chromosomes during cell division.
Without Telomeres the ends of chromosomes would lose vital information during replication.
This information was revelatory in nature; however, it did not tell the whole story of Telomeres and their importance.
It was discovered that as cells replicate Telomeres have a reduced capacity to protect them over time.
It became apparent that like everything else, Telomeres wear out.
More importantly, it appeared that this erosion may be somehow linked to aging in human beings.
As the Telomeres shorten, so does our lifespan.
When the Telomeres can no longer protect the chromosomes the cells cannot be duplicated properly.
As a result, our bodies deteriorate and we eventually die.
In 2009 Elizabeth Blackburn and two other scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the concept of telomere shortening.
This seems like interesting information from an educational standpoint.
The discovery offers one possible explanation for why we age.
But like many other discoveries, there are significant implications to this knowledge.
Most great inventions or solutions do not come about in a bubble.
Like most great ideas, someone recognizes a problem and then looks for a solution.
In this respect, problems are not negative in nature; rather, they are the catalyst for some of our greatest advancements.
This is why so many amazing products came from our endeavor to travel in space.
The NASA scientists were faced with significant challenges that needed to be resolved.
Through their efforts the world saw products that would not have otherwise existed.
With that said everyone had to consider the "problem" of Telomere shortening.
Once this specific problem was known a solution could be sought.
Before, we simply knew that we aged.
We now had a potential reason for that process.
If the deterioration of Telomeres could be addressed in some way, then we maybe able to extend our lives and improve the quality of the lives we live.
Experiments are already underway to find the solution to the aging problem.
In 2009 Dr.
William H.
Andrews took up the fight against aging and discovered Telomerase.
Telomerase is an enzyme that works to replace the ends of chromosomes lost during cell replication.
The possibilities related to this discovery are staggering as we are all brought one step closer to the proverbial fountain of youth.
The key is to develop compounds that will stimulate Telomerase production and slow, stop or even reverse the process of Telomere shortening.
Andrews worked to develop chemical compounds that would achieve these ends and he experienced great success.
He realized, however, that even if he were to discover a solution in short order it would be years before the FDA would approve any drug.
With that understanding Dr.
Andrews turned to natural compounds to realize his goal.
In 2010 Dr.
Andrews started working with recognized nutritional expert and Master Formulator, John Anderson to develop natural products to stimulate Telomerase production.
Anderson went to work in identifying botanicals, natural bacteria and other natural products that will ultimately mimic the chemicals already discovered by Dr.
Andrews to stimulate Telomerase production.
Andrews and Mr.
Anderson continue to search for the appropriate combination of compounds and offer hope to those seeking better, longer, healthier lives.

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