Business & Finance Corporations

Who Can (And Who CANNOT) Become A SMSF Trustee

At Royale Capital we believe in the power of knowledge. A knowledgeable client is the best client. For that reason we are constantly striving to make sure that our clients (and even our prospective clients) understand all the aspects of a Self Managed Super Fund.

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is, who is eligible to become a trustee?

One of the most important components of any SMSF are its trustees. A trustee can be either an individual or a trustee company.

Approximately 65% of SMSFs have individual trustees. When this option is chosen every member of the SMSF must also be a trustee. A SMSF cannot have a single trustee. When a trustee company is appointed, all members must be directors of the trustee company.

It is important that anyone who wishes to take on the roles and responsibilities of a SMSF trustee fully understand just what that role entails and what their responsibilities will be. They must understand the investment restrictions imposed on trustees of a SMSF; the rules and limitations surrounding contributions and benefit payments within a SMSF; and the administration involved with a SMSF.

Generally, anyone who is 18 years of age or older and who is not under a legal disability or considered 'disqualified' from eligibility under the SIS (Superannuation Industry (Supervision)) Act can be a trustee of a self managed superannuation funds.

Trustees are expected to act honestly in all matters concerning the fund. You are expected to exercise the degree of skill and judgment of a prudent person handling the financial affairs of another person and to act in the interest of the fund's members and their beneficiaries in all matters. This in addition to being expected to meet the requirements of SIS and maintain records and discharge ATO requirements.

The experts at Royale Capital can fully explain what these responsibilities mean and can address any questions you may have regarding your Trustees Declaration".

Not everybody is qualified to be a trustee. Individuals who have ever been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty; have ever been subjected to a civil penalty order under the SIS Act; are an undischarged bankrupt, have been disqualified by the ATO or APRA, or has ever been disqualified by a regulator cannot be trustees.

A company cannot be a trustee if a director, secretary or executive officer is a disqualified person, there is application to wind up the company; or a receiver or liquidator has been appointed

In a nutshell, SMSF trustees are ultimately responsible for each and every aspects of the management of the fund. Penalties for non-compliance can be significant and in severe cases can include tax penalties, fines and even possible imprisonment. Having a company like Royale Capital to advise and make sure you understand all the intricacies of being a trustee is essential.

You should note that administrative penalties also apply to SMSF's for failure to lodge documents on time and making misleading statements in documents. It is therefore extremely important that all required SMSF reports be filed properly and on time. It is here that the services of a company that fully understands how to prepare and when to file the many SMSF documents legally required is a must have. Capital Royale provides monthly, quarterly and year-end reporting as part of our Royale Capital ActiveSuper program.

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