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God is the Advanced Version of Human

Paradox of God and Science can be explained by the old adage"nothing exists unless there is a conscious person to bring it to reality." By illuminating short, provocative explanations with a certain wit and style, following findings suggest that the supernatural power is none other than a human being. An entirely new way of approaching the question of how to understand the higher power!

Who is God-Integration of all different cells (newest and oldest) of human brains into one is God. After thousands of years of studying, there are still many facets of the brain that remain mysterious. God is a name given to those mysterious facets as conscious supernatural power, which makes the laws of Universe and runs them on Universe. Modern Human is advanced than any other known organism. The advanced version of modern human (God), who created humans and everything, is advanced than humans and other known or unknown organisms.

Difference between God and Humans-Main difference between God and Humans is highest intelligence (God) and lower intelligence (humankind).

God created human or human created God-A big question with many misconceptions that often pops up around scientific discoveries, inventions, unique happenings and faith/belief.

If human created God, then who created the oceans, the mountains, the plants, the stars, the animals, and the minute and the big organisms. Traditional teachings state that"God," or to the less religious,"an all powerful consciousness"is the source of all creation. If God created all, then who created God.

Let us understand it in this way

The human being, from a modern scientific standpoint, is simply an organism governed by a series of random electrical signals and chemical reactions in the brain. Think of a robot. With enough advancement in technology, human get it to look and act just like a human. Does that mean Robot is a conscious organism? No, why? Because it still lack one form of energy that is called as soul in terms of religion. So, human (creator) is the advanced version of Robot (creation). With time and experiments, humans will bring changes and evolution in Robot according to their advancements.

Faith or belief roots in psychology and culture. If we go into ancient times; modern apes, modern humans and various ancestral hominids have evolved from a common ancestor. Above all, size, shape, structure, living style, standards, and life span of human being have been undergone many changes and evolutions.

According to Hindu epics Ramayana (Treta eons) and Mahabharata (Dwapar eons), few human beings like Rishi Parshuram, and Hanuman had been living in both Mahabharata and Ramayana times. What could be the life span of human being before that period? The maximum number of years any human is known to have lived is 122. It is known, but what about those who are unknown. That human being of that era (creator) is the advanced version of human (creation) of this era.

What is Soul- As known, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. Soul is a form of energy that cannot be created or destroyed and can be transformed only. It can travel from one place (body or organism) to another (body or organism).

Question comes-who changes its form, and when and why?

Answer is chemical and electrical reactions perform actions, which are governed by either a human mind or an advanced version of human mind. Process of these reactions is responsible for ageing and once these reactions are done, energy (soul) transforms itself from one source to another.

What about Sixth Sense, Telepathy-Thoughts can be converted into energy. They travel through one sub-conscious mind to another. Sometimes, it is recognized by a conscious mind, it travels from one place to another.

Four beliefs, in which God generally exist are:

1. God is an extraterrestrial being/Alien.

2. God is the advanced version of Humans.

3. God does not exist.

4. God is God (cannot fathom his existence).

After above research, it is concluded that God is the advanced version of humans.

God is the Advanced Version of Human

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