Business & Finance Taxes

How to Calculate Net VAT 15

    • 1). Calculate the VAT plus 15 percent by multiplying the base price figure by 1.15. For an item costing 53 Euros, for example, this would come to 60.95 Euros.

    • 2). Calculate the amount of the VAT (excluding listed price) by multiplying the price alone by 0.15. Again, for an item costing 53 Euros, the 15 percent VAT figure is 7.95 Euros.

    • 3). Work backwards from a total cost to a base price cost by reversing the math. For a jacket, for instance, costing 60.95 Euros, divide by 1 plus the VAT percentage. At 15 percent VAT (0.15) the divisor is 1.15, and 60.95 divided by 1.15 yields the base cost of 53 Euros.

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