How These 2 Habits Can Worsen Your Anxiety
Anxious people cope with their anxiety in many different ways.
These methods or habits that they use can help them cope more effectively with their condition or they can make it worse.
In this article I will explore 2 habits that people use to cope with their anxiety however, they offer no improvement and in many cases can make their situation worse.
If you have used these in the past then please do not feel bad as it is part of the learning process of finding out what works and what does not work for you.
However, these habits have been proven to be ineffective through numerous research and medical studies.
Drowning your sorrows Many people with anxiety drink alcohol to calm their nerves.
In the short term this can give the impression that it is relieving anxiety.
However, alcohol only provides short term relief.
Having the occasional drink may help and certain research shows that having an occasional glass of red wine can also help to improve your health.
Alcohol becomes a problem when it becomes a habit and people depend on it to relieve their anxiety.
There are also many side effects of drinking too much alcohol.
It can disturb peoples sleep pattern.
It is also high in calories and contributes to more people putting on weight.
Alcohol can also become highly addictive.
Comfort eating Many anxious people overeat to help them get anxiety relief.
When they feel anxious they reach out for foods that are usually high in fat, sugar and starch.
These types of foods increase their body weight and make them fat.
People then become guilty and more anxious about how they look and it turns into a vicious cycle that can lead to depression.
It is important for people to differentiate between what really triggers real hunger rather that the need to eat food due to their anxiety.
Look for alternative ways to resist the temptation to eat such as doing regular exercise.
These methods or habits that they use can help them cope more effectively with their condition or they can make it worse.
In this article I will explore 2 habits that people use to cope with their anxiety however, they offer no improvement and in many cases can make their situation worse.
If you have used these in the past then please do not feel bad as it is part of the learning process of finding out what works and what does not work for you.
However, these habits have been proven to be ineffective through numerous research and medical studies.
Drowning your sorrows Many people with anxiety drink alcohol to calm their nerves.
In the short term this can give the impression that it is relieving anxiety.
However, alcohol only provides short term relief.
Having the occasional drink may help and certain research shows that having an occasional glass of red wine can also help to improve your health.
Alcohol becomes a problem when it becomes a habit and people depend on it to relieve their anxiety.
There are also many side effects of drinking too much alcohol.
It can disturb peoples sleep pattern.
It is also high in calories and contributes to more people putting on weight.
Alcohol can also become highly addictive.
Comfort eating Many anxious people overeat to help them get anxiety relief.
When they feel anxious they reach out for foods that are usually high in fat, sugar and starch.
These types of foods increase their body weight and make them fat.
People then become guilty and more anxious about how they look and it turns into a vicious cycle that can lead to depression.
It is important for people to differentiate between what really triggers real hunger rather that the need to eat food due to their anxiety.
Look for alternative ways to resist the temptation to eat such as doing regular exercise.