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Medical Marijuana Employment Rights Bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - January 31 - State Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) introduced legislation Thursday that would prevent California employers from discriminating against medical marijuana patients. Senate Bill 129 would not change current law, which prohibits employees from using medical marijuana at the workplace. According to Senator Leno, his bill "simply establishes a medical cannabis patient's right to work." SB 129 would reverse a 2008 California Supreme Court ruling that granted employers the right to fire or refuse to hire workers with a physician's recommendation for medical marijuana. Advocates have estimated that more than 400,000 medical marijuana patients live in California.

According to source, "The people who voted for Proposition 215 never intended to force law-abiding patients out of a job," said Don Duncan, California Director with Americans for Safe Access, the country's largest medical marijuana advocacy group and sponsors of the legislation."Like anyone else, patients just want to be productive members of society," continued Duncan. "Why must hundreds of thousands of Californians be denied their civil rights, and be forced to live with the risk of losing their job due to their choice of medication?"

ASA was also the sponsor of a similar bill, AB 2279, which was introduced in 2008 by then-State Assemblymember Mark Leno, less than a week after the California Supreme Court ruling in Ross v. RagingWire Telecommunications. AB 2279, which had strong support from a broad coalition of disability rights, labor, medical and legal groups, passed both houses but was ultimately vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger. Senator Leno and ASA will be working together over the next few weeks to shore up even greater support for the new legislation.

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If you need an experienced Southern California Criminal Marijuana Crimes Defense Lawyer? Contact the Law Offices of James E. Silverstein for a free consultation today at (310) 274-8400.

Attorney James E. Silverstein is well aware of the confusion surrounding the legality of possession and distribution of marijuana for medical purposes. James E. Silverstein realizes the profound impact this controversy has on the lives of many of his clients, and he therefore aggressively pursues every update on the medical marijuana law controversy published. James E. Silverstein has read and carefully analyzed the Attorney Generals Opinion on the contours of Proposition 215 released towards the end of summer in 2008.

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