Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How to Cancel a Lease Contract

    • 1). Review the lease agreement for legal cancellation reasons, which include anything stated in your lease agreement that is contradictory to what you received.

    • 2). Notify your lessor through certified mail that you are canceling the lease. Your and your lessor's name and address, date that you are cancelling the lease, reason for canceling the lease, and relevant details for the cancellation should be included on your letter. Also list the date you are leaving the residence if you are cancelling an apartment lease.

    • 3). Keep records of any phone calls you placed to the lessor in attempt to resolve the issues. Record phone calls as well, as long as you notify the lessor you're doing so. If your lessor challenges your legal basis for canceling the lease agreement, you must prepare to show records related to your allegations. A photocopy of the lease agreement and pictures related to your allegations should be kept.

    • 4). Try reaching an agreement. It should include your's and your lessor's name and address and a notarized statement showing that both of you agree to a mutual cancellation of the lease and a statement that neither of you wish to bring the case to court. If canceling an apartment lease, include a statement that states a mutual decision on what is to happen with the security deposit and prepaid rent. If you are canceling an auto or equipment lease, include a statement that states a mutual decision on what will happen with the down payment, if there was one.

    • 5). If your lessor's intention is to take you to court, then you will need a lawyer to help you with the legal proceedings.

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