Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

How to Get Bigger Muscles

    • 1). Prepare a dietary regimen that supplies 1 to 2 g of high quality protein per pound of current body weight. Supplement the diet with protein powders and protein bars to maintain this high rate of protein consumption.

    • 2). Establish a weightlifting program that emphasizes lifts requiring large muscles and multiple joints. Train upper and lower body muscles on alternating days, while resting every fourth day for muscle recuperation. A sample lifting program for alternating muscles groups would be the following: Day 1--exercise chest and triceps; day 2--exercise quadriceps and hamstrings; day 3--exercise biceps and back; day 4--rest.

    • 3). Arrange weights and repetitions into a pyramid structure for each exercise. First, perform three sets of repetitions with progressively increasing weights and decreasing repetitions. After the heaviest set, perform two additional sets with decreasing weights and increasing repetitions.

    • 4). Perform the most repetitions that you can for each set. Track all repetitions and notice when increases occur. After increased repetitions are achieved, increase poundages. The goal is to force muscle growth by continuing to overload the muscles with heavy weights.

    • 5). Diligently maintain a training notebook in which you record the weights lifted and number of repetitions accomplished in each set. Likewise, record nutritional information to track body response to foods consumed.

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