Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Doghouse Plans - Save Money and Time With a Set of Doghouse Plans

My husband is a weekend handy man.
So when I told him we needed a new doghouse he said he would just build one and save us some money.
He figured that building a doghouse would be a pretty easy job to do, and for him, it was.
But, he was smart enough to know that it would go a whole lot smoother if he had a good set of doghouse plans.
He knew he could follow a set of plans, but didn't really want to try to do the design work himself, he knew his limitations.
So he got online and was really surprised to see how many doghouse plans were available.
After a couple hours of research, he made his selection and purchased his first set of doghouse plans.
First thing he did was go through the complete material list that came with the plans and started calculating what it was going to cost to build the doghouse, this way he had an approximate budget to go by.
Then he read through the step by step instructions to make sure he had all the necessary tools he would need to complete the project.
He did not want to get in the middle of this project only to find out he didn't have everything he needed, and did not want to make numerous trips back and forth to the lumber yard.
He knew if this happened, he wouldn't finish building the doghouse.
He was really glad he had a good set of doghouse plans and that he actually read them.
If he had not done this, he would have used pressure treated wood on the doghouse, which can make your dog very sick if your dog is a chewer.
He would not have been able to forgive himself if something like that happened, nor would I.
For any DIY project, having a good set of plans will save you time and money.
With the complete material list, he didn't find yourself running out of material or buying too much material to begin with.
With the cut sheets that come with the doghouse plans, there is no guessing to how long to cut your wood or what angles, it spells it all out.
And the step by step instructions are so easy to follow.
My husband was able to complete the doghouse on schedule and within budget, without the doghouse plans, he know that would never have happened.
The nominal cost for the doghouse plans was worth every penny.

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