Money Saving Tips - Paperless Billing
Nobody likes spending money they don't have to, especially if it turns out that taking the cheaper or free option is actually easier to deal with than the more expensive version. This tends to be the way it works when it comes to getting paper bills from various utility and entertainment companies. Each month, many people receive the dreaded bill envelopes detailing how much they owe for gas and electricity, mobile phones, internet, council tax, water, you name it - and the annoying part is how just the act of receiving these bills is costing us more.
That's not to say that companies charge you to receive bills, but many do offer a discount when you switch to paperless billing. Paperless billing is the option to receive your bill via email and to use an internet account to manage your money as opposed to receiving a paper bill. It is a far quicker, far more convenient way of dealing with your various suppliers and the great news is that many companies will take a couple of quid off your bill if you make the switch. Some banks offer the same option, meaning you don't get charged to receive a paper version of your bank statement - which is great news, since paying to be told how much money you've saved seems slightly counter-productive!
While the savings may not seem like much, if you add up several different bills and what you save over the course of a year, it doesn't sound too bad, does it? And you also get to do your bit for the environment by reducing the amount of paper and ink that's getting used, as well as the manpower needed to physically move your bills from their point of origin to your home. Just imagine the green benefits to the earth if everybody switched to paperless billing and put a stop on all of the unnecessary mail flying around. The result would be extraordinary.
While you may not be able to make everybody make the change today, you can become part of an ongoing switch and help the planet by joining the others who have signed up so far. And with benefits such as instant billing, easy payment and cheap electricity [], amongst others, it's not hard to see why so many people are making the change to efficient, eco-friendly paperless billing!
That's not to say that companies charge you to receive bills, but many do offer a discount when you switch to paperless billing. Paperless billing is the option to receive your bill via email and to use an internet account to manage your money as opposed to receiving a paper bill. It is a far quicker, far more convenient way of dealing with your various suppliers and the great news is that many companies will take a couple of quid off your bill if you make the switch. Some banks offer the same option, meaning you don't get charged to receive a paper version of your bank statement - which is great news, since paying to be told how much money you've saved seems slightly counter-productive!
While the savings may not seem like much, if you add up several different bills and what you save over the course of a year, it doesn't sound too bad, does it? And you also get to do your bit for the environment by reducing the amount of paper and ink that's getting used, as well as the manpower needed to physically move your bills from their point of origin to your home. Just imagine the green benefits to the earth if everybody switched to paperless billing and put a stop on all of the unnecessary mail flying around. The result would be extraordinary.
While you may not be able to make everybody make the change today, you can become part of an ongoing switch and help the planet by joining the others who have signed up so far. And with benefits such as instant billing, easy payment and cheap electricity [], amongst others, it's not hard to see why so many people are making the change to efficient, eco-friendly paperless billing!