Picture of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Ecchymotic
Picture of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Ecchymotic
Classic Kaposi’s sarcoma. Ecchymotic purple-brownish macule and a 1-cm nodule on the dorsum of the hand of a 65-year-old male of Ashkenazi-Jewish extraction. The lesion was originally mistaken for a bruise as were similar lesions on the feet and on the other hand. The appearance of brownish nodules together with additional macules prompted a referral of this otherwise completely healthy patient to a dermatologist who diagnosed Kaposi's sarcoma, which was verified by biopsy. Note also onychomycosis of all fingernails.
Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology
Klaus Wolff, Richard Allen Johnson, Dick Suurmond
Copyright 2005, 2001, 1997, 1993 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights reserved.
Article: AIDS and HIV Opportunistic Infections: Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Slideshow: What Your Skin Says About Your Health
Slideshow: Adult Skin Problems: Pictures of Psoriasis, Rosacea, Skin Tags, and More
Slideshow: What Your Hair & Scalp Say About Your Health
Slideshow: What Your Nails Say About Your Health
Tools & Resources
- Bladder Cancer in Men
- Assess Your Cancer Risk
- Breast Cancer: A Visual Overview
- Humor Therapy for Cancer
- Dealing with Chemo Nausea
- Lung Cancer: The Big Picture
Image Collection:
Adult Skin Problems
Kaposi’s Sarcoma Ecchymotic
Classic Kaposi’s sarcoma. Ecchymotic purple-brownish macule and a 1-cm nodule on the dorsum of the hand of a 65-year-old male of Ashkenazi-Jewish extraction. The lesion was originally mistaken for a bruise as were similar lesions on the feet and on the other hand. The appearance of brownish nodules together with additional macules prompted a referral of this otherwise completely healthy patient to a dermatologist who diagnosed Kaposi's sarcoma, which was verified by biopsy. Note also onychomycosis of all fingernails.
Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology
Klaus Wolff, Richard Allen Johnson, Dick Suurmond
Copyright 2005, 2001, 1997, 1993 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights reserved.
Article: AIDS and HIV Opportunistic Infections: Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Slideshow: What Your Skin Says About Your Health
Slideshow: Adult Skin Problems: Pictures of Psoriasis, Rosacea, Skin Tags, and More
Slideshow: What Your Hair & Scalp Say About Your Health
Slideshow: What Your Nails Say About Your Health