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Sex Experiments For You and Your Partner - How to Break Out of the Dull Sex Routine

It is so easy for your sex life to become routine.
It happens all the time.
Your life is so busy and everything is scheduled, and sex becomes one of those things that you fit in.
How can you keep this from happening? Experimenting! You never know what will happen.
You may discover something about yourself and your partner that you didn't know existed.
Your sex life may take you to new heights.
Before you begin to worry just how far you have to go, experimenting does not have to involve farm animals and other people.
It certainly doesn't have to involve something that would cause you shame in public.
All it means is that you and your spouse try something new, be it a new position or maybe a new method of foreplay.
Everyone has fantasies.
It is nothing to be ashamed of.
But so many people are terrified of revealing these fantasies to others.
They worry that their spouse will think they are a freak or maybe that they are not happy in the relationship.
You might even be afraid to say something because it could be taken the wrong way, and your partner may think that they aren't pleasing you.
Perhaps the worst would be if your partner is perfectly happy, and has no clue that you aren't.
This could lead to insecurity in your partner.
These are all things to consider, but don't fret.
It is all in how you bring it up.
Make sure that when you approach the subject, you make it absolutely clear to your partner that you are satisfied with your relationship, and you want to enhance something that is already special.
Your partner is naturally going to assume that you are not happy.
Make sure to reassure him or her that you are satisfied, you just want to spice things up.
Make sure you have an idea of what you have in mind when it comes to experimenting.
If you want to introduce sex toys, say it.
If you want to add adult videos to the bedroom, say it.
If you want to try a new position, say it.
Many people will hear experiment and think something more elaborate than what you mean.
Make it clear what you want before they have a chance to jump to any conclusions.
Don't be selfish about this either.
Maybe your partner has been thinking about this as well.
Let him or her tell you what they are thinking.
Give him or her some time to think about this.
Maybe this is not something that had ever crossed his or her mind before.
Or maybe it was something that your partner wanted to bring up, but was too shy.
You have just opened the door to increasing the intimacy the two of you have.
Even though it is a difficult subject to bring up, it is worth thinking about the results this can bring to your relationship.
With a little thought, and a lot of tact, you can turn your sex life from mundane to extraordinary.

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