How to Wash Out Ink
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Wet ink is easier to get out than dry ink.Jupiterimages/ Images
Apply water to a paper towel and gently dab the stain to remove the initial layer of ink without smearing it too much. Attend to the stain as soon as possible so it doesn't set. - 2
Hairspray lifts the stain almost immediately.George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Place a paper towel beneath the stain. Spray a small amount of an alcohol-based hairspray directly onto the ink stain. Wait about 10 seconds for the liquid to penetrate the ink. Blot with a paper towel. Rub gently in a circular motion, moving the paper towel often so that a clean area continues to touch the spot. Once the ink begins to lift, saturate the area with hairspray again. Keep rubbing gently until the stain is completely gone. Allow the material to air dry and launder as normal. - 3
Cold water helps lift the stain.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Apply a neutral laundry detergent with a soft, clean cloth to the back of the stain if hairspray does not work. Place the item under cold, running water and rinse out the detergent. Spray the area with a pre-wash, stain-removal product and then launder the item in a washing machine. Allow the material to air dry to make sure the stain is completely removed. - 4
A spray bottle releases the right amount of liquid.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Mix equal parts of ammonia, lemon juice and cold water in a spray bottle if any ink remains. Squirt the solution several times onto the leftover ink smudge. Gently blot the stain and rub in a circular motion using a clean cloth. The stain will now be lighter, but may not be gone. Repeat with more spray and motion until the stain is completely removed. Place the item in a washing machine using a mild detergent as directed. - 5
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