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Tips on Removing Old Paint

    Test Old Paint for Lead

    • Before removing old paint, always check to make sure it does not contain lead. Lead paint may be present in paint that was used before 1978. You or previous owners may have painted over the lead paint instead of removing it. Test the paint with a home kit you can purchase at a hardware or home improvement store. If you have the means, hire a professional to test the lead paint to ensure that you are receiving the most accurate reading.

    Use Chemical Paint Strippers Safely

    • Using chemical paint strippers is the least labor-intensive solution for removing paint from your home because they do not require scrubbing or sanding. These solutions, however, are highly toxic and caustic. Do not use them on surfaces inside your home, and only use them when you are wearing a respirator, gloves and goggles. Keep chemical paint strippers away from children and pets.

    Use Scrubbing Pads

    • Scrubbing pads can help you remove old paint that has been loosened from the surface by a chemical paint stripper. Sometimes even when the paint is loosened, a residue might still be settled in small crevices. Use a plastic scrubbing pad and a toothpick to remove the old paint.

    Sand to Refinish

    • Always choose to sand away old paint if you are also going to refinish a piece of wood to remove scratches or nicks. Use sanding blocks to sand flat surfaces evenly and use sandpaper to sand rounded surfaces. Sand by hand if you are removing old paint from a piece of furniture, and use a power sander if you are removing paint from a large floor or surface. Always sand in the direction of the wood grain, and wear a respirator to prevent the fine sawdust from going into your lungs.

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