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Teach Your Kids Science by Performing Chemistry Experiments at Home

Chemistry is known as the "central science" because it bridges many other fields of science.
It encompasses the study of atoms and their reactions with each other.
Unfortunately, many schools are lacking quality chemistry programs due to tight budgets and low pay for teachers.
This means your child could make it all the way through high school without a basic understanding of Chemistry! This is exactly what happened to me.
I attended k-12 in a small town with very tight budgeting in the school system.
When I took my first college Chemistry class, I was lost! It was obvious which students had come from the schools with good science programs.
After a lot of catching up, I began to enjoy Chemistry.
However, it was the first lab experiments that really sparked my interest.
Reading about reactions in a book is nothing like actually seeing a reaction occur! Actually visualizing Chemistry is what helped me overcome my early education set-backs.
However, this can be prevented for your child, even if your local school system is lacking in the science department.
The answer is easy and fun! Once per week, gather the kids and family, and do a Chemistry experiment together! Once your kids see Chemistry in action, they will be hooked.
The best part is, they don't even realize they are learning! There are websites just for this! You can find experiments online that include step by step instructions and explanations that are fun and educational! They will tell you what materials are needed and what exactly is going on each chemical reaction so that you and your kids can learn something together.
Imagine your children getting a real science lesson each week while having lots of fun doing it! Who knows, you may spark an interest in a new career for your child! Actually performing Chemistry experiments for the first time was what started my science obsession.
Every great scientist began their path with a single experiment or lesson that really sparked their ambition.
Your child could just be waiting for you to initiate his or her spark! Always remember to follow all safety procedures when experimenting with chemicals.
Wear safety gloves, goggles,and aprons.
Follow chemical handling and disposal procedures.
Also, never allow kids to do experiments on their own.
Do your research before handling or mixing any chemicals! Now grab the kids, have some fun, and learn something together!

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