An Alkaline Acid Diet Promotes Balance
Many people are familiar with the word "alkaline" but for most the first thing they think of is an alkaline battery, not food. It is interesting, though, that the alkaline in one's diet does much the same thing as the alkaline in a battery; it enhances and supplies energy. Because of this factor, many people find that they have a lot more energy to get through the day when they eat an alkaline acid diet in proper balance.
Most people would never make the connection between a body with more energy and an alkaline diet, but it is nonetheless an important factor. It is important not just in terms of a person's energy level, but in their overall state of health as well. When the body is more alkaline than it is acid, the immune system is stronger and illnesses and diseases have a much more difficult time gaining a foothold in their system.
The alkaline acid diet is certainly not a fad diet, but it can be considered to be one of the most practical and common sense types of eating plans available. It is possible that you have heard of this diet but referred to in different terms, such as the alkalizing diet, the ash diet or an acid alkaline diet. While the name might be slightly different, the underlying principles are the same.
No matter what the name of the diet, these are all based on the same idea. This overall guiding principle behind this dietary approach is the belief that the body simply operates better and more efficiently when it is a balanced state, in terms of the acid alkaline balance. This can be checked and tested with a pH test.
The pH level in a body can range anywhere from 1, being very acidic, to 14, being very alkaline, with a level of 7 being considered neutral. The best reading for pH for a healthy human being is right about in the middle at 7.3 to 7.5, which puts the body in a slightly alkaline state; this is ideal. Anyone can test their pH level at home quickly and easily using pH testing strips. You can test using saliva or urine and should do the test either an hour before eating or at least two hours after eating.
Eating a good, balanced alkaline acid diet is one great way to enjoy an energy boost quite quickly. You might also discover that you enjoy better moods and might feel an alleviation of depression, if that is a problem for you. Also, many people have been blessed with recovery from some serious health concerns once they changed their eating habits and reduced acid producing foods, while increasing the foods that help increase alkaline levels.
Most people would never make the connection between a body with more energy and an alkaline diet, but it is nonetheless an important factor. It is important not just in terms of a person's energy level, but in their overall state of health as well. When the body is more alkaline than it is acid, the immune system is stronger and illnesses and diseases have a much more difficult time gaining a foothold in their system.
The alkaline acid diet is certainly not a fad diet, but it can be considered to be one of the most practical and common sense types of eating plans available. It is possible that you have heard of this diet but referred to in different terms, such as the alkalizing diet, the ash diet or an acid alkaline diet. While the name might be slightly different, the underlying principles are the same.
No matter what the name of the diet, these are all based on the same idea. This overall guiding principle behind this dietary approach is the belief that the body simply operates better and more efficiently when it is a balanced state, in terms of the acid alkaline balance. This can be checked and tested with a pH test.
The pH level in a body can range anywhere from 1, being very acidic, to 14, being very alkaline, with a level of 7 being considered neutral. The best reading for pH for a healthy human being is right about in the middle at 7.3 to 7.5, which puts the body in a slightly alkaline state; this is ideal. Anyone can test their pH level at home quickly and easily using pH testing strips. You can test using saliva or urine and should do the test either an hour before eating or at least two hours after eating.
Eating a good, balanced alkaline acid diet is one great way to enjoy an energy boost quite quickly. You might also discover that you enjoy better moods and might feel an alleviation of depression, if that is a problem for you. Also, many people have been blessed with recovery from some serious health concerns once they changed their eating habits and reduced acid producing foods, while increasing the foods that help increase alkaline levels.