Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Best Body Moisturizer -A Simple Way to a Beautiful Skin

How do you find the best body moisturizer? You learn about moisturizing ingredients.
How do moisturizers effect the skin? If they contain the right ingredients, they replenish natural moisture that is lost during showering and cleansing.
If they contain the wrong ones, they do more harm than good.
The wrong ingredients are petroleum-based oils; petrolatum, mineral oil and paraffin.
Those oils are not similar enough to the skin's own sebum.
So, the cells and layers do not absorb it.
The only thing that petroleum-based oils can do is to prevent moisture loss, but in doing so, they clog the pores and interfere with natural cell rejuvenation.
If used in large amounts, they cause a prematurely aged appearance.
The best body moisturizer contains plant-based oils, like jojoba, olive and grape seed.
It contains antioxidants like coenzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E, as well as vitamin B5.
Let's look at what each of these ingredients can do.
How do moisturizers effect the skin, if they contain jojoba? Jojoba is very similar to human sebum.
It is readily accepted by the skin's layers, which means that it is quickly absorbed and does not cause greasiness.
It will not clog the pores and is actually useful in treating acne, because it helps to balance sebum production.
It also reduces wrinkles, stretch marks and scars.
How do moisturizers effect the skin, if they contain olive and grape seed oil? These have antioxidant activity and contribute to the effects of jojoba, by helping to reduce stretch marks and repairing damage.
The best body moisturizer includes all three of the oils, to provide the greatest amount of benefit.
How do moisturizers effect the skin if they contain antioxidants? Antioxidants are the body's natural defense against damage from reactive oxygen species, commonly known as free radicals.
Free radical damage is one of the primary causes of skin cancer, aging, wrinkles and scarring.
Antioxidant-rich creams can delay the signs of aging and even repair damage that has already occurred.
The best body moisturizer includes HEQ10 as an ingredient.
HEQ10 contains both coenzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E, in a special reduced form that will penetrate through many of the skin's layers, neutralizing free radicals and repairing damage along the way.
How do moisturizers effect the skin when they contain vitamin B5.
That vitamin helps repair skin tissue.
It is particularly beneficial for use on the knees elbows and heels.
It provides some natural protection against sunburn and relieves existing burns.
All of these ingredients are soothing.
Any irritation caused by showering or abrasive cleansers is quickly reduced.
The only other thing that you need to look for in body lotion is protein, in particular, a special kind of protein called Functional Keratin.
It too was formulated specifically so that the skin's cells can use it for reproduction.
If functioning properly, the skin's layers are completely replaced in a month.
The best body moisturizer supports the proper bodily functions that allow this to happen.
This gives skin which is reinvigorated and revitalized then say hello to softer, firmer more beautiful skin.

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