Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Color Security Camera: Adds Realism To Surveillance System

With the availability of black and whiter security cameras becoming more prevalent in many discount stores, more people are better able to afford video surveillance on their homes and businesses. While many of these systems with up to four cameras are available for under $ 100, the price of a color security camera continues to decline and they offer a better image for recognizing the bad guys. The use of color in security systems is also growing as more people are using home computers to monitor the images recorded by their color security camera and their complete security systems.

Consider that an inexpensive camera designed for internet use can cost under $20, connecting it to the computer and setting it up to record to the computer's hard drive can provide an expensive, yet competent color security camera. While the images may not be television quality, they can still be used as a color security camera to monitor the home or business.

However, most people want more than just a single image, and they will probably want to use their computer as more than a security device. By using some of the most inexpensive cameras, some in black and white and adding a color security camera they can greatly enhance their surveillance efforts. Showing images on a public view monitor in color tells would-be ne'er-do-wells that the home or business is tracking their every movement.

Do Not Forget about Color Recording Equipment

When making the move from black and white to a color security camera, do not forget about the equipment used to record the images. If using a computer, most systems default to record in color. However, many multiplexers, used to record as many as 16 camera shots on a single tape, are available in black and white and color. A color security camera connected to a black and white unit will only record in black and white nullifying the effect being sought.

Likewise, recording black and white images from a camera on color equipment will generally appear in grey scale with some of the colors not properly represented. Law enforcement typically prefers seeing images from a color security camera as they can more accurately describe the apparel worn by a perpetrator.

In black and white, blue jeans a red shirt often translate into grey pants and a darker grey shirt which is no real help in finding a suspect. The price difference of a color security camera today is so minimal that the use of black and white is quickly fading.

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