Health & Medical Eating & Food

What to Eat in March in the Netherlands

Maart roert zijn staart ("March wags its tail") says an old Dutch saying, meaning that it can go either way in the Netherlands during March, with weather ranging from mild and sunny to snowy and blustery. Spring officially begins on March 21, but nature often doesn't keep to the calendar, sometimes beginning early and other times late. Therefore, March can be seen as the month that bridges winter and spring, and that's reflected in this overview, which focuses on Dutch-grown fruits and vegetables, venison and sustainable seafood varieties.

We've provided a list of recipes featuring seasonal ingredients for each section with the hope of providing you with some cooking inspiration this month.

Locally Harvested Winter Vegetables

  • Beet (biet)
  • Belgian endive (witlof)
  • Black radish (rammenas)
  • Black salsify (schorseneren)
  • Brussels sprouts (spruiten)
  • Carrots (bospeen, waspeen, winterpeen)
  • Celeriac (also known as knolselderij or turnip-rooted celery)
  • Celery cabbage (also known as Chinese kool, Napa cabbage or Chinese cabbage)
  • Curly Kale (boerenkool)
  • Daikon (rettich)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (also known as aardpeer, sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambur)
  • Lamb's lettuce (also known as veldsla, corn salad or mâche)
  • Leek (prei)
  • Onion (ui)
  • Parsnip (pastinaak)
  • Pointed cabbage (spitskool)
  • Potato (aardappel)
  • Purslane (winter) (postelein)
  • Pumpkin (pompoen)
  • Turnip greens/turnip tops (raapstelen)
  • Red cabbage (rode kool)
  • Radish (radijs)
  • Rutabaga (also known as koolraap, swede or turnip)
  • Savoy cabbage (savooiekool)
  • White cabbage (witte kool)
  • Also: pickled, frozen and tinned vegetables

    Recipes featuring March's seasonal vegetables:

    ?Dutch-Grown Fruits
    • Apples (appel)
    • Pears; regular pears (handperen).
    • Also: frozen, dried and preserved fruits.

    March's best fruit recipes:

    ?Seasonal Venison from the Netherlands

    • Roe deer (female); (reegeit)
    • Wild pigeon (wilde duif)
    • Wild rabbit (wilde konijn)

    March's venison recipes

    Sustainable seafood from the Dutch coast and rivers

    • Brown shrimp (Hollandse garnalen)
    • Cockles (kokkels)
    • Common bream (brasem)
    • Common dab (schar)
    • Common periwinkle (alikreuken)
    • Common sole (Dover sole; black sole ortong)
    • European smelt (spiering)
    • Flounder (bot)
    • Mussels (mosselen)
    • Oysters (Creuse oyster; European flat oyster or platte oesters)
    • Squid (pijlinktvis)
    • Zander (pike-perch or snoekbaars)
    • Also: Cured fish, such as smoked, pickled, dried or canned.

    March's seasonal seafood recipes:

    Source: Het Nederlands Viskookboek; Milieucentraal Groente- en Fruitkalender;


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