Health & Medical Women's Health

Candida Symptoms and Cure in Women

Candida symptoms are clear enough, but, some of the signs may also be signs of other ailments.
So, as soon as you see any of the symptoms you should attend your doctor or health practitioner for advise.
There are very many signs of Candida, and, it can occur in almost any part of your body, but in this article I will explain what the main vaginal Candida symptoms are.
I also outline the mainstream treatments that you can expect to get from your doctor, or, over-the-counter from the pharmacy.
But I also explain other natural treatment that very many folks have had to turn to for a complete cure.
Candida -- commonly called yeast infection, or, thrush -- is an infection that over 75% of women will get at some point in their lives.
And very many women will get repeat, or, recurring Candida infections.
When this happens drastic action needs to be taken, because repeat infections can be a very serious matter.
Candida is caused by a fungus -- hence the term "yeast" -- called Candida Albicans which you may be surprised to hear resides in most of us quite happily without any problems.
But, under certain conditions, the Candida can 'overgrow' out of control and cause the infection.
This happens when the 'good' bacteria in your body reduces enough that it cannot keep the Candida at manageable levels, so that the overgrow can occur.
The reduction in your good bacteria can be caused by a number of things such as; lowered immune levels, diabetes, overuse of steroids, overuse of antibiotics, malnutrition / poor diet, stress, etc.
So you can see at once that to treat Candida you really should treat the root cause(s) of the infection and not just the symptoms.
So what are the main vaginal Candida symptoms to look out for? These are the key ones: inflammation of the vagina / vulva, serious itching, bad odor, white / yellowish discharge, menstrual pain, pain when urinating, pain / inability to have sex.
But, there are other Candida symptoms which may be present and not obviously anything to do with a Candida infection.
Some of these are; headaches, irritability, feeling run-down, depression, fatigue, joint pain/swelling, memory loss, and even difficulty learning.
And Candida symptoms can vary between women, and, over time; one day you might have one or several of these symptoms and then in a couple of days you may have different symptoms.
Treatment normally consists of drug-based creams applied locally, which can certainly provide short-term relief.
But these tend to treat the symptoms, rather than the root cause, with the result that the infection can reappear.
So in these cases you probably need to find a treatment that isn't drug-based and that gets to the root cause of your infection.
Very many women are finding that a more natural, drug-free treatment is doing exactly that and providing them with complete relief, and, a permanent cure.
Natural approaches of this kind work in three ways; by alleviating the pain and discomfort, thus getting rid of the symptoms, and, then attacking the root cause of the problem so that a permanent cure can be obtained.
 And because it is drug-free the Candida can't build-up a resistance to the treatment.
In this way a natural cure can prevent recurring infections.

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